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'Tis the Season to Get Jolly like a SnowBeing (Man, woman, child, critter)

on Tue, 12/11/2012 - 22:15

Whether we have snow or not, 12-12-12 is upon us in the next few hours, and magical things could happen from here through the New year of 2013. Have you had time to note the date, and what waits for you in the wings of time? Do you consider the possibility of living with protection under an angel's wings and guidance, of being blessed by generations of ancestors who somehow may have conspired in mostly a good way to make the way for you not only to be formed and arrive as a human being, but to grow and thrive and be ALIVE in this final month of 2012, as in Two Thousand Twelve (and millions of years before that in terms of humankind being on plan-it earth or plan-it Heart, however you'd like to think of it). Does it make a difference?

Einstein may say it makes 'a world of difference'. Basically, whatever we believe, we create--good, bad or otherwise, is a a powerful theory we could all take time to ponder as a Possibility. Not that our schools, faith groups (as in traditional religions the world over) allow or promote that concept, but it may just be that our Feelings, Thoughts, and Ideas are the Building Blocks of our Reality. Behind all that could be our Spiritual Intention as emanating from our Souls..who knew we really had Those? Apparently, many around the world have known and have tried to share As they Were Allowed to do so. The latest is the news from which is worth a listen at this particular time of year 'just in case' it could help us pull through for ourselves and the greater good. Dr. Sha says his practices can work with any belief system and are to promote healing and balance on all levels. 

The lighthearted title of this post is to help Team US-All (that means everybuddy, in the US and beyond.(Newsflash:.,I have heard there are other countries and places on the plan-it that count, or at least technically Should Count as vital team players in our collective well-being). We can Consider that we are physically comprised of 72% water or agua for bilingual Spanish speakers.

Our  bodies' water molecules can be affected by sound and emotions, by vibrations. See more on and the many inspiring ways to tune up our bodies with 528 hz tuning forks, positive words and envisioning sunlight, love and peace in our hearts, minds, bodies and souls. There may be special water to drink to help us heal as well from that site. I met the Dr. Horowitz promoting these products even though he is from Hawaii, he happened to be at a gathering I attended (Healing Winds in  Western MA now in  Upstate NY each August).

Let US-All form groups of 12 or 20 people who we can count on (maybe 12 pairs would make sense, or to be practical groups of 10 people, grouped with another ten, and do that up to 100 people total, for 5 groups of 20, with yes, the two basic group of 100. Families, neighbors, classes, schools, towns can all adopt the 'group of ten' system, maybe with a couple of  secondary groups one belongs to in terms of  being at school, work, in a neighborhood or town. This idea is an old one described by Edgar Cayce in one of his books, and I feel people could benefit from practical ways to be connected in a positive ways to others in their area. When people are in conflict, they should not push the connection, but ideally, everyone could cooperate for basic needs, and if not, then find another group that is supportive. In CT many agencies may get cuts in funding, so perhaps it is a particularly timely action.

Also, in MI and in 23 other states, the 'Right to Work'  Law will allow people not to have to pay Union Dues, even if they still get some of the benefits such as vacations. The point is, we need to work in practical ways to help each person get basic needs and services as they are entitled to them, and help bridge basic gaps to prevent too many from ongoing conflicts and crisis which is often linked when stresses pile up and help is not readily available. 

Thanks for doing all you can as a person to practice good sElf-care, slowly awaken and moderately wind down before bed before 10:30 pm so you can be asleep between 11pm and 1am. Now with you can watch your TV shows during the day (buddy up with someone who has a computer, or use the local library, help others gain access as well via libraries and even googlevoice for practical ways to help each other throughout the year). 

Let US-All find ways to help Moms, especially with little ones, but also with older kids, teens and even adult children. Yes, we can help Dads too, and encourage schools and others to feel like we are part of a TEAM where Thinking Experientially Allowing Movement toward growth and health can help people live and learn in positive ways with safety plans, clear agreements, some routines and regularity on all fronts. 

Let's be Jolly, oh by golly (better than the doom and gloom alternative, but the middle mellow ground may be a nice option too) and enjoy the light, love, mistletoe and holly of the season and beyond! Now, if you feel 'Jesus is the reason for the season' that's fine and dandy, yet let it be a vision of a peacemaker and teacher, healer and friend rather than a divider between like-minded and diverse but valid ways to be loving and fair to oneself and others...just a thought to think outside of the cradle and live by the laws of freedom and respect our country and many other efforts work and fight for in the name of the common, greater good. Peace on earth, good will towards all...not a bad motto to live by year-round, n'est-ce pas (isn't that so? in French)

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