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Tune Into Some Exciting Timely Offers and Events, online and in person in CT!

on Thu, 02/17/2022 - 19:00

  Hello To All and see other posts for other great ideas and ways to connect and support others as well (and maybe find support for yourself  and those in your circles too!)

See the amazing project called In Her Own Words at the Salisbury Association in CT and online that has other stories recorded as well!

We are rediscovering the art of storytelling, sharing, photography exhibits and video sharing anew. We need to know who we are, what we value and want to share and take meaningful timely steps to #DoJustThat!

I'm gaining insight and inspiration from many personal and online folks. One is my Vassar College Class of 1985 which is doing a project of photographing many in the class to reunite and encourage everyone in these times to reconnect and contribute to shared causes, including our college for instance!

Thanks to all who dream up ideas and figure out ways to follow through with the important legal, financial, social and other aspects to mark the path to shared success.

Generation Vassar is a friendly competition to fundraise for the college with special rewards for high participation rates even if that is in the amount of five bucks.

Some anonymous donors will be adding 30K to what our class raises if we get 40% of the class participating! We were about 70 classmates shy of that (our of about 450 who were able to be asked. That was from an initial calls of just over 635 or so. I was a fortunate person to get into Vassar in the 1980s with good scholarship

. I also had loans to learned the importance of #PayingBackStudentLoans even if needing to get a reduction in the payment (interest only for instance) due to hardship. That happened a few times and I went over and spoke directly with people in that office.

They were very helpful and I wished they had helped us understand that early and review often. Much of life entails such planning, keeping track and in touch and making shifts to address challenges. 

Check out some awesome projects from about Strong Women in CT, an exhibit of lovely portraits and information about a couple dozen women in CT that has been on display for two weeks at the Capitol in Hartford CT.

The next one is coming up soon and I hope to learn more and be in it if the stars line up accordingly. I'm looking for team support to make that happen and be a way to connect more people in CT and promote the ways to we can co-create after COVID and many challenges the world has been facing bravely and creatively! Time to come out in the sunlight and seek a brighter way of living as heartlings!

 Renowned author, radio host and coach, Ken D. Foster shared this with me (with more info, but I'm skipping right to the point.) There may be prizes to enter into winning with the steps below at this time in Feb. 2022..

.A nice idea if you're promoting something too, to offer more of a perk to get people to Take Action! See what is on the Sheffield MA Kiwanis Club site with a scholarship fundraiser with tickets on sale now through Feb 18th, 2022.

Let me know if you win the Big Prize! I try to enter in memory of loved ones and supporting the student scholarships. Best to all to find their niche and share their info and ideas in friendly win-win ways! Visit my public FB page, Catherine Palmer Paton or Livfully! Donations to my causes and efforts welcome as well so PM me if you'd like a link. Many thanks!

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To enter the drawing for the prizes:

  1. Subscribe on Apple Podcasts
  2. Leave a review and comment
  3. Send your screenshot to


Again, check it out here!