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Two Fires at the Same Location with 72 from the First in a Crypt below the 2nd structure, Monumental Church ... from the news today about the past

on Sat, 02/20/2021 - 16:19

Monumental Church is becoming known to more people from a story about it on a show about fires (which I just saw today so am sharing since I wanted to learn more and imagine more of you will also want to tune into.) After reading these two resources I learned that happened in Virginia and that the Governor at the time died in the event, possibly trying to save others as did many returning in once they got out or amidst the challenges of trying to empty a crowded theater under alarming circumstances. A stage hand young man had stated raising a chandelier would set a fire, but was ordered by someone else to do so...and he obeyed orders.


That would have been an amazing time to have a 'Dereliction of Duty' not all that far from DC where many feel in recent times President Trump had a dereliction of his duties to protect our own Congress members and those in the Capitol Building.  From the warnings of 1811 to 2021, we could gather that we need Safety Patrol Officers and Even Undercover Moms and Advocates to monitor all kinds of situations whether on a work site with heavy or moving equipment, tree work, people using gear requiring safe mounts (for cars and trucks and other equipment and much more.) A second set of eyes looking to see that things are being used properly, that there are fire extinquishers and proper exits at the ready and much more (such as not using candles or playing with matches or fire in a home if not mature enough or if overly tired, in bed (such as smoking in bed...) or not knowing to get out and stay out of a house rather than try to remove a heavy burning object (such as a sofa that could get lodge in a stairway and then block an exit...)


Endless strange tales of 'something or someone not going along with a game plan, whether falling asleep at the wheel, succumbing to a heart attack while driving--so the best idea for those with high risk for medical needs is to have someone else drive them or check in with a televisit if possible or a zoom or online meeting. Even to prevent disappointing or cancelled appointments, it's helpful to confirm that a doctor and the needed results to review are in hand and with the correct date and name etc.


Too often medical mistakes are not caught. Someone has the job for instance of checking that all parts of equipment are removed from a surgical procedure (clamps,sponges, tubes etc that don't belong.) If we're talking about an organ transplant, a key teamis needed to secure all steps of getting the donor organ and transporting it personally to the next person with the right cooler and so forth to monitor its every step for the best outcome. A donor for a kidney or other transplant needs a lot of attention and monitoring as well as there are risks for such procedures during and right after the event as well.


The overall idea is to do one's best especially with wisdom gained from all realms whether related to 'whose job is it anyway' to do anything from monitoring people's safey, 

answering calls under pressure, preventing others from entering into dangerous situations, creating laws and voluntary guidelines people can implement for safety and seeing how all

aspects can fit together comprehensibly and as uniformly as possibly in terms of best practices to use resources wisely and fairly for safety, health and  preventing 

accidents and harm of all kinds. Thanks for taking a moment and finding ways to 'do just one small thing' to tune into the ways this information can make your life better

as a way to appreicate the gift of life that we are fortunate to have on a daily and hourly basis.


Monumental Church was built on the site of the destroyed theatre to commemorate the victims of the fire. The ordinance for building the monument for the victims was further modified by a resolution of the Richmond city council to erect a church at the site, as a further commemoration of the victims of the fire.


Theater Fire Victims Remembered in Monumental Church

The Church for which Bishop Moore served as Rector during his tenure as Bishop was the Monumental Church which was located on the north side of Broad Street between Twelth and College St. It was so named because it was raised as a monument to the victims of a tragic fire on December 26, 1811 at the old Richmond Theatre which occupied that site