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Urgent Opportunities and Making Sense of Life in a Chaotic World! Time to Pull Together As Speakers (and Toastmasters) Like We Mean to Stay in the Game!

on Sat, 03/12/2022 - 05:06
To the Editor of The Lakeville Journal of CT and other Papers too!
With the world overwhelmed with Ukraine's dire takeover by Russia, it's hard to know what to say or how to keep abreast of local, state and national issues. 
Things can change overnight and sometimes it's seems 'Might Makes Right' is winning out even if it's Illegal and Denying Basic Human Rights in these modern times.
We need independent forums and thinkers in part to object to the erasure of all such venues in Russia and many lower forms of humanity destroying the lives of others.
 There are many spiritual views that humanity is evolving to see the 'higher abilities of working together' with our thoughts, words, deeds and relationships on every level.
Our human souls are not easy to factor into the equation yet may be the key aspect of our times to help us heal our bodies, minds, relationships and ability to use resources wisely on "Planet Heart."
 Some may think that's 'magical thinking' or a pipedream or prayer, but grains of truth and common sense from permaculture may help more people 'take a chance and connect with their inner wisdom, join forums to advocate for human rights and the planet and much more.'
 Keeping forums such as Southern Berkshire Toastmasters of MA (which could meeting monthly on zoom if it does not close up shop this month) and The Lakeville Journal of CT are urgent opportunities to explore skills of listening, reading, writing, communicating and growing meaningful relationships.
There are special photo exhibits at the Hartford Capitol celebrating CT women and online at 
All leaders and members in politics, business, faith, education, military, family or other groups would benefit from learning the basics of what is being offered.
Please join in through Facebook or other groups in one's area or with family and friends to advocate for peace and growing community anew with spring as an added inspiration of hope and growth. Work with nature and feel free to be in touch. --Catherine Palmer Paton,