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Views of a Catholic Priest- Scientist about COVID vaccine...Sent by a friend to me now to you

on Wed, 02/10/2021 - 16:20 Holds a batch of information and opinions by a priest who has a science background as well and is working on the frontlines of managing things related to the COVID concerns in the Phillipines. Some of the main points are that the vaccine was tested on 'tens of thousands' of people in a faster time than most in part due to the billions in funding from governments (but not all countries ordering up vaccines such as Canada which my friend said is making its borders more secure to prevent the spread along those lines. That is heartbreaking for familiies and those with elderly loved ones they hope to see who may be losing their memory or becoming more ill or fragile, so 'time may be running out for interacting in person for various reasons'. 
Now back to other points in the article above. If a very small percent of people have a serious allergic reaction that may generally happen within the first 15 minutes and they may have a tendency to react adversely. The recommendation is to have an EpiPen on hand for any vaccine to address breathing or other concerns that may arise, which one would discuss with the medical provider before getting the vaccine. There may be discomfort in the arm at the site of the jab or injection...and that may show the vaccine is building up one's immunity. There may be other side effects along the lines of discomfort for a few days or weeks but again the priest is pointing out that may be due to positive signs the vaccine is doing its job.
He touches on whether the vaccine could be harmful for a woman's reprocuctive capaacities, but says that is not well likely or grounded in research. As for moral concerns about using aborted fetal matter, he says the Pope has said it is okay to use the vaccine even though it has components that may have been llnked to immoral issues since it it for a higher purpose (I am see that toward the end of the article.) As for the (Jehovah's Witnesses) they teach that the Holy Spirit lives in the blood of a person and do not get blood transfusions and I am not sure about vaccines..but again worth noting.
As many point out, people who are nearing their natural end of life for various reasons at whatever age, may be more prone to dying from any flu, pneumonia or corona virus and possibly have more natural chance of dying shortly after the vaccine if they were ' on their way out of this world' anyway. Still others feel every effort to protect the health someone has at whatever age is worth pursuing. There are many values, concerns, and factors to consider when making plans for one's own health and care or that of another. Those conversations and times of watching online talks and ideas to consider can be important to do on a weekly, monthly and yearly basis, updating health care representative, learning about MOLST forms, medical orders for life sustaining treatment if a person is in a fragile or  near-terminal state. Having a DNR, a Do Not Resuscitate order, is something one discusses with one's doctor in some states and needs special paperwork and often a bracelet (orange one in CT put on by one's doctor and not removed...) That means Do Not Revive, not Do Not Treat and Keep Alive by the way. See more about MIDEO, My Informed Decision On Video. Be in touch if you would like more information from me also on that, at as I am an End of Life Doula trained person and Advanced Care Educator, some of which may be covered by insurance.
Best of luck to everyone to journal and explore feelings, ask questions and find more information and support particularly for personal assistance when getting the vaccine and being monitored daily and regularly to check for side effects and have good homecare or support doing ADLs, Activities of Daily Living such as getting dressed, eating, preparing food, having help transferring, using a toilet or commode or other care to maintain hygiene, take care of teeth and other basic needs and have companionship daily or a few times a week at least on zoom or the phone. Also having a 'Life Alert' or Great Call kind of device (some use Jitterbug which may have that feature on the phone...) Best to all in staying safe and well!