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What Some Are Saying About Ukraine..Prayers, Politics, the Past, Present and Future

on Fri, 02/25/2022 - 15:36

Everyone can take a moment to pause and if comfortable, take some deep breaths (yawning is okay to allow for a deep breath and relax, maybe even wiith gargling for a moment to relax the vagus nerve which is a helpful tip if nervous or having hiccups etc.)

Then one can place one or both hands on one's heart and 'relax and connect' with the sense of inner peace, the earth we are living on, nature and any sense of connection with caring people, places and higher loving energies, naming those as one may wish.

Envisioning being next to the ocean and watching the waves come onto the beach gently then roll back into the vast body of water can remind one to breath calmly, connect with others and trust the world is 'turning toward the morning', a fresh moment, a realm of healing and possibliities on the energetic, spiritual, feeling, thought and action level. Allowing one to be safe and secure with one's intentions, imagining things as healing and improving is a luxury but okay to do for a few minutes or longer.

That's as 'reasonable' as being serious, short-sighted about what the mainstream media is relaying s the only reality with directives about the likely future. That can be a bit like putting on a strait-jacket and trying to run freely along the shore into the blinding sun.

Too much of anything may be 'just too much.' So back to setting an intention for calm, and being aware of the layers of the ocean that rest on the ocean floor which does not have the activity of the waves and water above can be grounding.

That is shared in meditation programs and a 'grounding cord' of golden light from one's feet, spine or body to travel to the surface of the earth and then below the that to the center of the earth can also be helpful.

Another cord from one's crown area of one's head upward to a glowing orb of healing energy from above is also a way to think of 'connecting with the higher caring realm'. Again if one can feel the connection with a healing, loving being as one is comfortable. Allowing the mind to relax and the energy to flow in and feed one soul and ease one's spirit is the idea.

Then seeking healing for oneself, those in one's care and family, and moving out into the community and wider world. Naming specifics and seeing the peace as alreay in place is helpful (even if it is a challenge.) One can add 'if that's in the highest good of all involved.'

These were ideas shared on a group gathering online that is not being made public at this time but I though to share the overall idea. Saying 'this prayer is in place for a week' to help one not worry about the issues or feel one needs to revisit it often was suggested.

Here are some other thoughts shared in semi-public online forums...This is to help us realize we are all tuning in. I added other ideas to help people in our circles  and to network and support one another to encourage us all to be stong at heart and see a brighter future for humanity, state by state, country by country and worldwide. Best to all along those lines.

Dear Christian Church family and Others Interested--

               Sadly, the long anticipated war has broken out in the Ukraine.  There are bad actors in the world, and Vladimir Putin, using as a pretext a narrative full of misinformation, has invaded this fledgling democracy which has been an independent country for thirty years.   The Ukrainian people need our prayers, as do our national leaders as they seek to affirm the cause of freedom in the face of the rising forces of autocracy in the world.

               Christianity often has to find its way in the context of a world dominated by alien forces.  After all, the birth of Christianity took place in Palestine, which was under the domination of the Roman empire.  Ukrainian Christians may be challenged to live out the gospel in the face of forces which may seek to squelch their liberties.

               Christianity began in that part of the world in Kyiv around 1000 AD. The form was Orthodoxy, and for many years the church in Ukraine was connected to the Moscow Patriarchy.  But in the aftermath of the fall of the Soviet Union and the rise of an independent Ukraine, the Orthodox church developed its own independence and established a Kyiv patriarchy separate from Moscow.   Thus a concern for religious liberty played and will continue to play a significant part in the whole Ukrainian story.

               It remains to be seen what the future holds, but clearly there is significant challenge ahead. We trust that the God  who holds the  whole world in his hands, will watch over this troubled land.

               Surely there will be a need for forgiveness, perhaps the central concept of Christianity.  This will be our theme for Sunday.  The texts are Exodus 34:29-35 and Luke 7:36-50.  The sermon is simply titled “Forgiveness.”

 From one respondent...Thank you for this message which is helpful for me.  
The Ukranians have suffered before under the Russians: especially the man made famines of 1921 - 1923 and the more devastating one in 1932 - 1933.  "Since 2006, the Holodomor has been recognized by Ukraine and 15 other countries as a genocide of the Ukrainian people carried out by the Soviet government."  The death toll in Ukraine was above 3 million for the later famine.  One of the results of grain confiscation was the depopulation and abandonment of villages.  That meant an opportunity for Russians to move into those depopulated areas, which Stalin promoted, thus two provinces: Donetsk and Luhansk with a majority Russian population.  The Ukrainians do not want to be part of Russia and treated as a little brother.