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What's The Fourth of July Mean to You and Yours (and US-All)?

on Fri, 07/03/2015 - 18:06

Salutations on this special fourth of July when our country and likely the world is realizing 'things can change, sometimes for the better, from one vote or day to the next'. The idea of more freedom for all, more justice and fairness as well as social inclusion is catching on, for better or for worse some may say. But if the tables were turned and you and yours wanted to be the ones with more of a sense of inclusion and fairness whether for the right to live and connect with someone you care about or find ways to share your assets and responsibilities, including caring for children and others together while alive and planning for their futures by allowing inheritance terms to benefit them as well, wouldn't that be desirable and equitable?

The post about more being able to marry, as well as divorce eventually, will bring up more discussion. Mainly it could be 'a fairly important but small' issue for US-All to consider amidst bigger ones such as climate change. Where can we all live, eat, and survive (prosper would be nice but we may need to ease our expectations)? The oceans are rising  and the artic circle's permafrost is releasing methane (as are the bovines en masse particularly in the rain forest areas). The methane in turns exponentionally compounds the CO-2, or carbon dioxide problem which makes the air quality not ideal for life on the planet.

We can't forget the harm done to rivers and oceans, covered in the book The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert. The oceans are essentially turning into parking lots..not very capable of sustaining life. As the big fish go, so may the humans...running out of sustainable water and land resources not only metaphorically. Some say we're on the clock to the tune of a few decades..or less I heard from a friend whose just gone to New Zealand and other places to help the trees and get wisdom from them. They are doing their part but she says we need to plant millions more. She'll be writing a book soon, so stay tuned and I'll announce it here.

Meanwhile, I have found some extra enthusiasm to take part with heart in the time of gatherings locally and maybe will venture toward NYC, but not likely make it for the Brooklyn Bridge Fireworks. Still, dreaming about the option and almost venturing down planted a seed for me to get down that way before long. Currently I'm discovering the Pittsfield MA parade kicks off at 10 am and is one of the oldest in the state if not country. (The Scoville Library in my original hometown of Salisbury is the oldest library in again the state or country, I have to go read the big sign in front again. Visit more libraries and help them network to meet your needs with speaking groups, parenting networks, gatherings of all kinds to feel everyone has a place to go. Check with the librarians about particulars but more NGOs (non-government agencies) could inspire including meeting the needs of each age and stage of life with information and outreach, perhaps connecting with other agencies, the arts groups and town services. "One stop shopping' and 'networking galore' can help spread the word. I've heard of someone looking to sell their nice large building in Hartsville MA for 259K and they'll give someone $2K if they help find a buyer. See for info and the sale will help the seller secure a new home they need. I'm sharing that as a way to encourage getting more connections flowing and this is posted July 3rd, 2015.

When I went to the 250th Pittsfield Parade I was sharing the heroism of our teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton, who passed when trying to help a friend survive fierce currents at the base of the Falls in Falls Village CT, the town I grew up in. While I have had six years now along with family, friends and our wider community to consider the events that transpired, including the miraculous save by a heroic Skip Kosciusko who used ropes to save Kaelan's teen friend, there are still more lessons to learn for US-All. Was it a warning about our more challenging times, that we are on the brink of yet not comprehending in terms of pending doom from the climate and even the economic challenges people face? How might we ponder together how to encourage youth and others to ASK FOR HELP when planning any outing that could be questionable or downright dangerous?

Who are the go-to people for PERMISSION IN WRITING From not only parents (yes, both when at all reachable even by phone to assure both know and condone such plans or trips, etc). RESCUE personnel could offer guidelines for limiting activities to reasonable, supervised and appropriate to conditions (river and water levels can shift with rains and seasons0. In an emergency, people can panic, so practice and back-up people would be reasonable, as well as skilled adult supervision with proper equipment. This kind of comprehensive networking from plans to activities and interventions and rescues may be another post, so stay tuned and feel free to chime in the comments section.

For now, check out the offerings in your area for free family events if you have kids or even other venues (again with safety and careful checks if not in a public place or set up by 'certified' folks.) Many libraries,. schools and other groups fundraise by hosting events, so find ways to put your dollars and time toward building those local and wider efforts that can magnify the benefits of keeping resources circulating in a community. Find ways to celebrate your own efforts and those of others close to you. Giving kids an allowance or some show of support can help them grow in confidence and in making decisions of how to share, spend and save not only money and their stuff but their time and interests.

Soon they may be leading the way, joining the parades, and helping US-All believe in impossible dreams (that's a hats off to the Man of La Mancha I was hoping to see too.) I've enjoyed My Fair Lady at the Sharon Playhouse in Sharon CT (yet another key town of my life where we reared our four great kids, the other three who are doing well I'm happy to report and work hard at both studies, singing and balancing busy social lives...). Here's to a bright future with a sense of respect and care for the HoUSAtonic River community from Pittsfield MA to Westport CT where it meets Long Island Sound..May our earth (and plan-it heart) be celebrated along with the people and freedoms we all deserve yet need to embrace as a human race. Let's live it up in JULY with Jewels for US-All of Liberty for Years to come!

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