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What's The Pressing Issue In Your Life, World, Online or Certain Area of Interest or Need?

on Mon, 03/14/2022 - 15:32

Thanks for sharing and applying these ideas to other forums in your family, school (including alum and form a group on FB to keep folks together over the years from that and clubs etc.) Practical needs for every town and non-profit, business and again family and person to 'PLAN Ahead' and for Back Up  PLANS to help keep track of official rules and requirements (to be in a relationship, with legal parameters and the laws pertaining to interactions with those one knows or in a business or other setting, or in public etc) as well as JOB Requirements (what can get one fired, not rehired, skilled and licensed or otherwise trained and qualified for paid work with benefits (including workman's comp even as a household employee and that can vary among states.)

 Lots to think about in terms of the NEED to keep a town or group Up and Running with Timely Checks and Reviews, Trainings and News (of a transition and ways to transform the group from in person to online for instance or with support people consulting to reframe jobs (and parcel out more tasks to one or more people so the work load is shared)

 Housing in exchange for some work (not just one person or couple doing everything but keep the monetary value of housing and wages in mind and allow for people to rotate for a week or more and even do other things or work when not on their shift, maybe with more networking for rides, meals and shopping, or appointments and more back ups..

.That may sound complicated and yet it may be 'just the thing' to help someone stay in their home or in their mode of operation as part of a community. Also renting a room to someone needing supervision or care could bring income in (from the state or other funds if they need to use those on their own care and support.

 Lots to learn and some ideas covered not offering legal or financial advice but sharing basic terms and reasons to consult with a few professionals from different states (since one can move or spend half of a year and day in one state to benefit from that everyone has a Choice to make and that may extend funds or give one a better climate for one's health or help one see family and others as they like. WE NEED to start with the BASICS . 

We also need to see the Big Picture and play nicely with others along the way and pace ourselves as well to  help keep the positive, healing vibe of the tribe to not only survive but thrive! PM me for more ideas or if you can help a few folks in the NW CT area plan or implement a few basic projects to get help, move items, set up housing or have someone who needs help along those lines to form more teams of support and sharing of ideas...

 Thanks and some are rather pressing, so thanks in advance for considering and sharing the request with those who may have or need the help... some need housing, work, rides, members in groups to keep them going and lots more. See for other resources too! PM me on my public FB page, Catherine Palmer Paton, a community networker and advocate