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When Tragedy Strikes During a Safety Training, Confusion yet Care Goals Heightened

on Thu, 08/11/2016 - 12:57

Expect the Unexpected is the name of a book by Bill Phillps, a medium who conveys the wonder of believing in the after life and of helping people as Marc Anthony also does in his two books, Evidence of Eternity and Never Letting Go. These and many other skilled and insightful people from many traditions around the world describe that there really may be an afterlife that is rather amazing, peaceful and part of our spiritual growth.I have studied more of these kinds of theories since losing loved ones and realizing there was more to possibly know than I had learned from my education and faith.

 As I am reflecting on this current strange turn of events I have heard of others which stretch our understanding of hidden danger. Recent losses include a NY pregnant woman jumping to her death (and the infant dying after being removed) from a second story patio.When people die in a difficult way, things seem that much more unbearable to have  hear about or think about. Mainly we could try to realize 'they are not still being harmed in any way physically".

The views of how they are doing spiritually can vary but most say they are being cared for by other spiritual beings even if crossing over in an unexpected or difficult manner. If they were involved with the ending of their own life, again there are supports and some say their lesson will be to value the physical form and life and not cut it short. Others say there are more serious spiritual consequences so it's worth really studying up on to bring one a sense of 'what might be possible'. Ideally more provisions of many kinds of care would help people work to maintain declining health or any kind of intentional harm to themselves or others. 

When thinking of these kinds of issues, I am reminded strongly of our teen son Kaelan (1993-2007) who passed suddenly when trying to do a challenging water rescue  for a friend (and perhaps bought him precious moments before a rope rescuer was able to respond in a very timely manner as a volunteer who was a tree climber and had his tree climbing ropes with him). That is covered in online and in posts on this blog, Remembering Kaelan and other comments, yet I still hope to write a more comprehensive story one day. I have had offers for some assistance and need to follow up, even if its been 7 years.

Our community and many who knew Kaelan personally feel the loss of his physical being and yet many have likely grown in an awareness of a spiritual connection that continues whether in their dreams and other signs or in a more personal way in their own hearts and experiences.

I hope more people can explore that avenue of possibility which may take time and is not to say grief in its many forms does not play out even as time which for most part can heal can often march on seemingly rudely since 'the world stops turning for a moment or much longer' for some. How we experience any of our emotions or views of a situation, a relationship, a challenge is important to keep in mind so we can effectively assess what we are experiencing and even 'wanting or choosing' to look at or try to comprehend on many levels and from various perspectives.

While no one can seem to know for certain about the nature of life and death (even before life and between lifetimes), it seems a growing stage of awareness and possibilities. Keeping an open mind that souls may allow if not choose with spiritual guides a life that can have meaning and value not only to their own life but to those in their families, soul goups, and wider circles.

When someone's life touches our own even if not physically, we are connected on a certain level. Ideas about the unified field theory indicate we are all very interconnected. Ideally we will choose to live more amicably with ourselves, others, animals and the planet's resources (soil, air, water, forests, sea life, plants and natural resources even of oil, gas and so on).

All of this working in concert can allow us to craft safety plans not only for practical living day to day  and being in safe, sensible relationships and situations but help us survive as a species with a sustainable way of life. Against that backdrop, I will explore some of the meanings of the sudden passing of Mary Knowlton of Florida at age 73 during a safety training gone terribly wrong.

But when we are having a fairly mainstream positive life on earth, most of us don't take time to think about the "What If's" when things go wrong, even terribly wrong particularly unexpectedly. Maybe heart attacks, strokes and choking, drowning and car collisions (many of the last two being linked to people under the influence and even the first two possibly related to ongoing medical conditions such as alcoholim, drug use, obesity, diabetes or vascular issues such as blocked arteries or poor circulation.

These are still painful realities to cope with even if one has a long time to consider they could occur. When one does take extra precautions to learn about safety and even take a community police training, the last thing one would expect would be to be in danger, and possibly killed during the training.

The shock of hearing that happened to a woman in Florida recenty (in August 2016) woke everyone up in the country to "Think Twice' about playing games with any kind of real weapon or even in general as real actors.

Likely more video trainings should be shown before anyone really engages in acting scenes out. I happened to take such a training offered by the Sheffield Police in MA and found it very informative in the class room sections and then a llittle creepy and enlightening when taken into realistic settings such as a school, a parking lot, and out in a grassy area with a police dog.

Real guns were noy used yet officers did have them at times as part of their uniform. Likely that would be better to forego, and have tasers only. What if a student took a gun and used it against others. Again role plays should be thought through more carefully, includig ride alongs which were also offered.

May this woman's sacrifice speak to each of us in a myriad of ways. With her first name as Mary, she can be regarded as a heroine with true beauty and well-won respect. At first I was thinking her name was Marilyn from having read it about this yesterday so compared her 'fame' now to that of Marilyn Monroe who as an actor represented  values of physical beauty and aspirations.

Now I realize more like the quiet saintly mother of Jesus named Mary, this woman representing in part all mothers or women with her widespread first name (which happens to be my mom's too) Mary  from Florida can warm everyone's heart as the caring, capable woman who reminds US All to play it safe when around anyone, thing or place that is dangerous and double check our game plan. With a last name as "Knowlton" it makes me think we all will know a ton more from her exemplary life and even her tragic passing. 

This volunteer turned American hero, Mary Knowlton, can be remembered for her  lifelong good works. Her wonderful life of 73 years of earthly duration can be noted as time goes on so we can appreciate this true heroine more fully. We can find ways to support her family and community with care and respect in an ongoing manner.

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