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Wishing Time for a Wonderful Happy New Year 2016 for US-All the World Over!

on Mon, 12/28/2015 - 21:42

After times of  December celebrating for days or weeks on end, like crossing a finisht line, it take another moment of focus to say "HAPPY NEW YEAR" come January 1st (or midnight on December 31st if one is really awake and able to do so). The Scoville Library in Salisbury CT is having an early celebration for kids and their families from 11am on Dec 31st, 2015.

That's one idea that could catch on quick for youth who want to celebrate but whose families may still feel a reasonable bedtime is in order. I will have the chance to be in NYC or more like Brooklyn. In my dreams I'd make it to Times Square one of these years, but smaller gatherings (and even earlier ones are more my speed.) In the not too distant past, I've enjoying small town dances and a viewing of the ball dropping for about 10 minutes before the midnight hour.

Usually at home, a lot of the fun was watching the show progress, but I adjusted. One night when I wanted to go to the small event, I took a nap, only to wake up about midnight. When getting a drink of water, I dropped the glass and it broke. Now one of the small ways I feel the spirit of my teen son may wink at me from heaven is to have some water spill in an uncharacteristic way, such as last year at a nice wedding breakfast time when a table cloth shifted.

At one of the small town dances, I poured a little water on someone who was dancing near me (who'd been fooling around and sweating a lot with their friends.) It was a playful gesture that sadly didn't carry over that well socially I later learned, but in that moment I was reminded of times my kids and I would play with water bottles and cups of water to spill on each other in simple but surprising ways on hot days or to break boredom.

Maybe that's against the law now in many places or scenarios, so only do so with permission and proper support as may be needed (and sadly realize even with that, 'unexpected consequences' could arise as in someone getting angry, reactive, scared or freaked out or some of each, especially if drunk or kind of being wild anyway and among 'strangers' even if at a small gathering.) One woman I met who was a caregiver down South said her daughter was at a graduation party that other kids were coming to who she did not know. I wasn't expecting the next part, but someone had brought a gun and fired it, with someone getting shot.

The mother was still shaken when recounting that months later. A mom of  a student at Wesleyan has been active in promoting tighter gun control for many years when a student was killed there by a man who had also been stalking his victim on campus. I have learned that one of the first 'school shootings' in the 1980s was at Simon's Rock in Great Barrington MA, now one of the nicest towns in America.

Now the point of thinking of having a great time on New Year's in small or larger venues, with surprises of various kinds mostly on the planned and permissable side is to just take a snap shot of where we are now. Maybe other ideas will come your way or mine. Planning and envisioning good times for one and all could help bring that to fruition..all the best.

Already today I wrote an extensive post that didn't post due to my inadvertent changing to another task (and not checking to see if the post really did make it to the blog.) A great disappointment but here's the lesson or message (maybe both): Every Second Counts! Check and recheck important details.

Clean out those cars (that's for me especially  to improve on) and yes, then living spaces tidied and organized A1-Z26 with some coded boxes and inventories of treasures and important papers. I want to get a passport so need to find my birth certificate (and maybe get a new one, but really I should have one on hand at this point of the game.) On the other end of the life spectrum, I should make a will. I will, but when? Guardianship of minors is particularly important to spell out and review the terms of what they can actually own if they are minors (which might not be much.)

Likely their other biological parent would then hold their assets for them (and I don't know what kind of scrutiny the adults are under to really manage for the child or if they can retain a certain amount or more, possibly pressuring a minor to allow them full control even when they turn 18.)

None of this is legal advice but are questions most do not take time to think through. A person can have a limited guardianship when caring for a child longterm or even when travelling if permission if given by a parent and the right paperwork is done and filed, I think.

No harm in looking into legalities that may pertain to your living situation, property ownership and how things would be managed should you need help (even physically such as with a Health Care Representative and whether life support would be desired under various circumstances, again research and seek a few opinions from credentialed sources.

Some hospitals may offer free or low-cost help in having paperwork done that may otherwise run 500-1000 for an attorney to draw up. As challenging as facing a topic like injury, illness or death is, not having a plan and 'ending up being kept alive or have extreme measures taken to keep alive or resuscitate' may also not be what one desires. One mom had tried to have son revived a few times after a crippling motorcycle accident. Finally she let him go. A friend she spoke with later said she felt his spirit had been telling her he would not have wanted to live without the use of his legs. The mother said she wished the woman had called her but felt some comfort even after the fact that there was not much she could have done to prevent that and was more at peace with the outcome. I don't want to depress people but likely more people are seeing the ads to not drive when drinking even a little or using a distractive device.

One man may have met his end in part due to such distraction even when hiking and then falling off a precipice. We all need to watch our steps and again, try to allow for a greater edge between solid ground and safety versue water or drop-offs and danger. Even with Danger realize often that can be linked to Anger. What used to seem like a coincidence is now more like clear signs to be more wise and appreciative of how life works from the spiritual to the emotions (energy motions) and the physical from gravity and speed to male and female factors and of course, much more. Thanks for doing what you can to Play It Safe and Sensibly..and yet to Life Fully with Gratitude as a Guiding Attitude and Easy-Does-It as a Daily Reminder for you and yours near and far and even for those who dwell upon a star. Watch for signs and celebrate each day with good vibes!

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