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Wonderful (Transforming Aging Summit) brightens the idea of aging, plus!

on Thu, 03/05/2015 - 21:19

Another special free online conference (which one can pay to access later too) on Aging and planning for one's passage or 'death' more consciously.

A tall order, but a common shared path. See the site to find more resources on,,, and books such as Live Smart after 50 by Meg Newhouse. Her name certainly fits her work. How about yours? If not in a positive way, maybe change or use an extra name! The way of uniting  people as the way these programs and the outreach by Humanity Team's can do much to inspire people and larger groups, states and countries.

Thanks for tuning in and sharing as you can. Please think through any decisions with support and a good month or more of considering. Feel the greater love and support for facing the process of aging or the injuries one has had to one's mind, body, family or other aspects of one's life and area..

Stay strong and keep a light of faith and courage as you pursue meaningful thoughts, time to heal and connect and make choices that help you and others in balance..peace and promise for a greater love to carry us along together as a healing, feeling team that's there for each other on many all one, not alone! Hugs, Catherine & co.

See the May issue of for a nice photo of our heroic teen son Kaelan Paton who tried to save a friend with only moments to decide to risk his life to do so. His friend was saved by a rescuer moments after Kaelan did not manage to get out of a furious river (see more on the post Remembering Kaelan and on google and youtube for his service).

Many were touched by his strong life and his final actions..and many kindnesses have been shared as community reflecting his life and energy and that of his grandfather Sandy Paton who co-founded with his wife Caroline who still runs the businesss and Lee Haggerty who also has passed on with Sandy and Kaelan.

 Many of us realize we all have more ancestors and will in time have  family and friends 'on the other great shore'  who are still remembered and may influence us in our dream time and along our  journeys in life or lives as the case may be.Writing a letter or more to family and friends (sometimes called legacy letters) to share your life goals and ethics, hopes for them and things you would like to be remembered for. In time, the idea can catch on to keep in touch even after one journeys beyond the earthly realm..the heart energy may be immortal and the love is undying on one if not both ends of the spectrum from mortal to the beyond. 

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