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Youtube, FB and other videos and posts about people reconnecting after a time of loss or distance, hard feelings, grief..can apply to many

on Thu, 02/24/2022 - 15:19
Many ways to share a message of healing...even if for reasons one cannot make 'regular contact' with someone they care about. Maybe they've crossed over, maybe they are far away and not able to be reached due to illness or lack of ties. Here's a short video that inspired this post...
Maybe custody or legal matters have created forced or necessary separation short term or longer (for safety and keeping legal or other agreements.)
Then there's jail time or other reasons people are apart and the kind of self-imposed rules and dynamics, maybe to keep inner peace or allow someone their space. I try to explore such themes and more on also allow for 'what if just for a while..things could be different, another outcome came from a close call and people lived and carried on with their lives and would that feel and play out.'
Seeing this kind of short program can help one dream out loud or when taking time to close one's eyes and imagine how things could be better little by little even if in 'reality' things pretty much stay the same in the short run or even in way over many years... Lots more to ponder in terms of how other systems may benefit from insights and new networks can fill in for ones that have shifted (whether family, friends, moving, changing roles and status, work or other issues one is addressing.)