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When Someone is Rude, What DO You Do? Try a little pause and walk away, but not publicly announce on Facebook etc

on Sun, 05/21/2017 - 04:26

Imagine if you will, an adult person taking kids to event that could be fun, educational and nutritious on a lawn in the middle of town like a tag sale.

If they were there to set up a small booth to sell their own families' goods as planned but were met with the person in charge being rude, not finding time to direct them or tell them they'd need to wait for (5-10 or more minutes Please), they could be offended and decide to leave for good.

Not come back later or maybe even not another time...and then if upset enough, might think to post on Facebook not only about their basic experience but identifying factors...and even the person's first name and position. Is that a case of slander or such?

Everyone could learn A LOT from this kind of situation. Everyone has conflict from the time they want to grab for something their parent doesn't want them to have or feels could hurt them. Let's say that happens at about age 3 (months of age.) Are you over a few months of age?  Likely that is the case, so you definitely have had a few hundred or thousand experiences of conflict (even with yourself...wanting to do one thing or be somewhere but choosing another for various reasons

. Maybe you give in to others, or you spend or eat spontaneously, shop more than you plan to (oh there was no plan, right...) How can a person stop and think before Speaking?! Sometimes a person doesn't know what they are going to say until they Say It Out Loud (or at least in writing in a Journal privately rather than on Facebook--or not posting if one does.) That's where Writing an Email to Oneself and Maybe one other person as a friend who you've agreed to be able to share safely and liberally with would make sense. However if a problem emerges and one is made to give a Deposition then ALL Emails related to that case Need to be Submitted.

See the problema? Knowing more about the root causes of conflict, that someone may disrespect you, not agree with you or impose rules on you or yours are all common experiences over life and in many different settings.

Drawing personal boundaries, and taking time to communicate to the other parties through a third party (that same go-to writing and talking friend or another such gem of a soul) would be reasonable after one reviews with a legally informed person about one's rights. Likely speaking to someone in charge of the person who was rude would be more appropriate. Too often two people in conflict only escalate in such a dynamic if re-engaging, going over wrongs and not likely being open to any solutions in a timely manner.

See Transformative Mediation for more on that.Also permaculture holds that "the problem is the solution.' That can mean to look for the solutions that would address a problem. If someone is rude or overburden, maybe another person could assist them in advance and do the greetings or help with set up. Maybe a team of volunteers or paid help would be justified to meet the demands of an occassion. Maybe all of the people involved could be given written instructions and people to talk to by phone even at the event (good ol' cell phones' or have an info table with interns, etc. ) The idea of Asking for Help and Offering to be Flexible to help solutions be found can go a long way toward De-escalating conflict and getting on with one's events and day.Keep in ming the following as well:

"What you say or do In Public can become a case for someone bringing you to court, having you arrested, having a child protection intervention or even having your kids taken away (depending on what it is) for a short time or even up to Six Months to let them invesitgate further." This kind of difficulty can befall Anyone whether with adults, kids, elders, handicapped or disabled or pets and animals in their care. No mistreatment of others is allowed. What Does That Mean in Today's World (of Legal Guidelines, Laws and Practices)?

Safety, Respect and Care are not just Good Ideas, they are The Law. The anti-bullying and Domestic Violence Laws pretty much extend to all people whether at home, at school, at work, driving or otherwise out in public and did I mention Even At Home?

A person has rights, even if they are being abused by someone who does not believe everyone has equal rights for safety and fair treatment. We have a lot of updating and catching up to do. So if someone posts something derogatory about someone, I often extend this message to Help the Person who is offended not add fuel to the fire and not to have a surprise intervention with a law suit or police or department person. See the point? Okay, so here's a possible response for any venting on FB about such a situation with specifics about another person or name-calling (which happened in another post to yours truly when trying to support an idea for a city-dweller weekender to meet with others in a similar situation and enliven their network and share experiences of transition...If you think that sounds harmless, you're clueless like me. Apparently it was a sign of weird and unwelcome gentrification..More on that in another thread...

Hi FB or otherwise Public Posters, Please give this 'rude' person another chance. It ain't easy doing lots. Overal, most people in such roles are very skilled, thoughtful people. FB is really not a great place to vent. Such programs work hard and last time I checked "nobody's perfect' (That could be true for people in schools, libraries, and agencies especially those who have to deal with the public and be on call so kind of know what I mean, right?) Okay, so hope this could post could be modified (if not skipped until there is more time to reflect.) It could be one of those 'not so cool and maybe against the law things' to do if specifics are used..Think about the school snaffews that have cost folks lawsuits etc. It's seems like a big deal in the moment, but the written word must be handled as they say in the Wizard of Oz, "Del-i-cate-ly.."

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