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Time for that Spirit of Giving to Help Non-Profits and Cowpokes (one at least in the NYC area who sings for kids--of all age)

on Wed, 11/22/2017 - 02:34 is the Kickstarter Link to help NYC musician and singer Hopalong Andrew get his lively recording launched. He's game to raise $10K by December 10th or so of this year..and he's off to a walloping start. Please donate any amount without a reward, or 20 or more for an advance release of a digital download..or a signed CD for $25 (plus 5 dollars Shipping in the US.)

Okay, other great holiday giving ideas...he's got tee shirts and other goodies, American Mural Project (AMP in Winsted CT...hurrah WINsted!) Read up on this ambitious project which is getting some added support as they plan to open their doors to their amazing giant larger than life mural that is housed in a huge building and pays tributes to workers of all stripes.

Many hands went into making the mural with unstoppable leadership, vision and enthusiam..and Hard Work. Kudos Ellen G. Why not list a favorite cause or effort in the comment sections..and help US- All celebrate others in our country from the arts to the basic needs to enjoy each season in warmth, safety and with nourishment. I am feeling more merry already. Happy Thanksgiving to one and all, and it's okay if you can't give trea$ure just now, help promote the good causes and even a$k for help for yourself and something that you or yours need or want (there is a difference by the way...)

All things in moderation and get ready to get blessed ...and say Thank You as you can as well. Even years later, it makes a difference. I knew someone whose wife went to a church a few times or maybe only once. Many years later, the church received a gift of $70K from that estate, Dwight and Mary Luster. The gifted that sum to about 17 organizations and much more, maybe a million to a nursing home they liked.

So once again, 'you can't take it with you' but sharing is one way to help others not hit bottom or to live with hope and focus. Many communities have a Community Foundations such as The Berkshire Taconic Foundation in Sheffield MA, or The Torrington Foundation for Area Giving (or thereabouts) in Torrington CT. Giving your time, talent, ideas and promoting fundraisers on social media as well as donations of all kind$ add up. Thanks for doing what you can. Most faith circles, daycares, local schools and people appreciate a little something as it may work for you to give, so enjoy the spirit and keep to an 'affordable budget.'

Friends and connections can also emerge and be a kind of reward beyond whatever a crowdfunding campaign offers. Enjoy the nature centers and other places of beauty and education in your area. Libraries and other public spaces are a way to make a community function, find assistance and connect. Check out offerings and try to visit often. The Scoville Memorial Library (and The Salisbury Forum for important ideas with skilled speakers)  in Salisbury, the Torrington Library, The Oliver Wolcott Library in Litchfield CT, The DM Hunt Library in Falls Village CT, The Douglas Library In North Canaan CT, The Hotchkiss Library (in Sharon CT and the one at the Hotchkiss School along with their many concerts, plays, dance performances and talks in Lakeville CT too), The Cornwall Library, The Mason Library in Great Barrington MA,  and others have all been a big boost for me and my family over the past few decades. When needing to rear children, there's another level of inspiration and support that flows steadily from librarians and the offerings at such places (the books and free CDs and videos helped too.)

I have a few stories on this blog such as The Jewel Story and The Turtle And The Acorn which are my 'free rewards' to you for supporting this blog and sharing ideas as you can. In case you need a pat on the back, my last name is 'Paton' so it really counts when I tell you I along with many others hereby give you a "Pat On the Back!" For more inspiration, check out the free music by Folk-Legacy artists on youtube. Songs can be bought for a dollar as well and downloaded.Let's keep the music and good food, friendships and support for one another  and our communities flowing strong this next year...and work together to make everyone feel valued and included in meaningful ways (even it that seems an uphill battle, some would say maybe that's the challenge we signed up as the song goes.. What are We Waiting For?! Let the Good Times and Big Love Flow!!

PS If you are in the Brooklyn NY area on December 2nd, 2017, Handel's Messiah will be performed by professional and community members, and a hired orchestra. Last year they did the full three hour program, yet this year it will be about half that long. The concert is aroung 5pm (I think 5:30 pm I heard from a reliable source but you'll want a good seat at the Lafayette Presbytarian Church on S. Oxford.) There is a fee or suggested donation so budget ahead or let someone help you afford it if that's a stretch. 

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