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Exciting Offers from lots of online thought and business leaders (many online) who have special deals now (sorry for the short notice), but maybe they'll do this Kind of Thing in years to come...

on Tue, 12/19/2017 - 21:56

Hello Everybuddy on the cusp of the Winter Solstice and on a special day for a dear one in my life celebrating a nice milestone birthday after being in college successfully for the first semester.. Maybe we could encourage more people to give that $100 dollar you made it through idea and a $200 dollar 'you passed go' at the end of the year. Not lots of money when one thinks of the Huge Tuition and Living Costs (away at college and even travelling there and of course to the few cool places 20 somethings (and almost 20s) just gotta get see friends, keep up with camps or work stints that enrich their lives more than the local diners and dog walking prospects.

Those are great in my book since that's what I did back in the 1980s and always met nice folks or learned important life lessons. Even back then there weren't enough people Taking Care of Other People Steadfastly (as in 24-7 if they were compromised... more tag team checking in for meals and serving Meals On Wheels which has also dropped away or rather has been chopped away from many budgets.) 

Now we are hearing of Family being paid to take care of other family members as an option to help elders and others who qualify live at home, age in place and so on. It's often a win-win even though the hours may be determined as set amount then the other hours are back to 'volunteer'. Likely income and asset guidelines all figure into the equation as well, and a team for any person in need likely could be the new norm if volunteers (and possibly some paid coordinators, privately or publicly) could help more families succeed in that goal.

But in terms of today's title of the post, some online coaches and business savvy folks are encouraging and enticing people to dream big in terms of Having A Plan and Support to pursue goals successfully, particularly in the realm of personal businesses that are helping others. Check their info online and hope it can be inspiring to more people to know these folks are reaching out to others successfully, often offering a private FB page and so on. A professional circle and persona is a bit different from a personal one, so explore more about that. 

I am still a work in progress about all that since some of my life has been in a rather public forum (newspapers and online coverage of certain events...such as the passing of our teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton and the strange turn of events in which Tom Drew went missing.) As difficult as those two (among other close to home challenges have been) I have used them to help me understand the wider realm of people and services that factored into the 'before and after' of these kinds of situations. I cover more on Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton (and there is a FB group in his memory as well as his memorial service on youtube to be a resource for others to keep the faith in life when hard times come round, to learn about challenges and how to be in community through thick and thin.)

Back to the the coaches I mentioned here, Patty Lennon, Grace Lever, and there are many others on this blog that I find helpful., You Wealth Revolution, Jennifer McLean, Global Citizen  and lots more. Hope you can 'find your tribe' and realize there's a ton of help only a few clicks away (especially if sitting with your headphones and microphone if needed plugged into your computer or a cell phone or regular phone to connect by phone.)

This modern world keeps a spinnin' and hopefully all are feeling 'they are winnin' the race that includes humanity being held in a cocoon of nature and care from forces beyond what we can readily comprehend. Some theories I've heard lately said the Sumerians left evidence that we were visited 6,000 years ago by 'aliens'..the Anunaki (I need to check the spelling) and that maybe they tweeked our DNA along the way to help us stand upright and think more complex thoughts.

The producer of  Disclosure and Unacknowledged (on Netflix of some other talks on ) Steven Greer, Linda Moulton Howe and many others say we have huge insights to share since the leaders of our times are either unwilling or unable if not uninformed about the What What..they are not the leaders most of us are led to believe. A theme in life seems to be 'keep the knowledge and common sense of normal people' flowing for life to keep going in any kind of comprehensible reasonable way. The more we silence the intuition and value of normal people, the higher price we pay with risky business at the top.

Some other online videos I was watching were describing the coming times of AI, Artificial Intelligence, along with cyborgs--people or animals with computer components or other mechanical devices or even suits being at the beckoning of those programming them. The scariest thing I heard of was along the lines of drone-type strikes coming from otherwise innocuous looking robots. Some say 'don't think about anything negative' so I won't dwell on it, but not knowing or not having a clue doesn't seem sensible in this day and age. Meanwhile, remembering that fear, shame and ridicule likely have been employed since the 1950s to keep people from making practical inquiries into the clearly 'unknown'...yes, UFOs, aliens, our own intuition or psychic abilities and much more.

The last but not least thing to know about is the chance that Planet X, Nibiru is a real possibility that 'may be coming to a planet near you soon...' A movie may be coming about this which in a way is preparing people on certain level (as have many others, even Star Wars to get people thinking about various kinds of 'end of the world scenarios' in terms of nuclear devastation using 'star war missiles'. The Good Aliens or Other World beings do not want us to be destroyed, but rather to evolve with love and basic intelligence and ease of living as guides. Steven Greer asserts we can have free energy and much help from those in the other dimensions (aliens,etc). Most religions allow for a sense of guidance from spiritual beings and even loved ones who've crossed over.

Some say we have a lot of life energy and only need a small amount to power us up for a lifetime. Some say there are multiple realities and time lines happening even simultaneously. The possibilities seem endless and all point toward Thinking of the Bigger Picture and Finding Good Support to Pace oneself over time, as we know, on earth not only as we've imagined it but how it could be. So much is What we think or believe it is. So again, as 2018, earth time comes round, take time to find some inspiring help and a few friends to journey with you in that spirit of adventure and can-do when it comes to staying in a positive mind set and caring heart zone. All the best to all of us...there is enough to go around and we could all entertain a few 'what if' scenarios to be better prepared for 'come what may' in a spirit of mutual care and respect.  

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