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On Your Mark, Get Set, Summer! (Officially starts at 6:07am EDT aka EST in the East in North America on Thursday, June 21, 2018)

on Wed, 06/20/2018 - 03:04

Happy Summer Solstice from here to Stonehenge in England and other hot spots to 'welcome in the summer, or the longest day of the year.' One article online reminded folks that 'their shadow will be the shortest during the year on the solstice at noon.' Maybe take a picture and remind yourself you will be going 'up' from there. In case that's seeming like a late date, meteorlogically summer begins June 1st and runs through August (yes, to the 31st.) Then Fall begins meteorlogically on September 1st. Winter would start on that meteorlogical calendar to help chart climate patterns and such on December 1st and Spring (drumroll and peeping frogs maybe) on March 1st. Anyone else say, "Rabbit, rabbit'  for that date?

Okay so is a lot of education for this otherwise reflective and let's catch our breath and not miss the start of summer post. I have already had a few outings to make me feel I've seen hundreds of people and been places and done "I'm good for summer fun' already. The most recent gathering was at a lovely venue with lotsa family and new friends (mostly who were older and easy to chat with..hello Judith and Ron from Ct, Democrat friends and from a small enough town that likely will ring a bell or two.)

The other places I've gotten to include a fine businessy event with Patty Lennon and many cool women entrepreneurs. Check out her helpful creative offerings for 'next steps' and connecting with your better options for doing good work on her bright engaging website. Prior to that Way back at the start of May I was in Albany NY at the BMCC..go ahead and google it for the important timely topics of caring for our children and their mamas when the chips are down. No, it's not about separating kids from moms at the borders just in family courts across the country. And it's been happening for decades 'under the media radar' but that's changing. Hopefully that in turn will bring about Actual Justice for our most vulnerable citizens (next to the immigrants and minorities who often suffer even more hardship no matter the battle.)

June 20th is Stand With Immigrants Day I notices on the Wisdom House website which describes program offerings in Litchfield CT. I got to see much of the luscious green landscape in CT having been away mostly in Brooklyn NY for two Looking Good Western CT from the hill towns to the sound. Being on i-95 was also an adventure even for a half hour...Hells Angels, traffic jams and lots of safe drivers thankfully with just a few exceptions. For the record try to agree with everyone to have a sober (as in someone who has not drunk at all drive) , sensible and calm driver (that means no fighting or high conflict conversations or even blaring music or things that annoy one another.) Maybe have a code or set of rules for one's car and for all passengers to abide by and feel able to add to and adjust in advance.

That may include keeping seated without putting a foot up on door panel (or elsewhere), not flossing teeth even in a back seat or somewhere 'germs could be spread'..same goes for toothbrushing and who knows what else. Maybe no putting make up on while driving (or tweezing or texting while driving or again, just being respectful of others. ) That could include not talking on the phone even without a hands set since that's been shown to also be a serious form of distracted driving. What  a bummer  for those who had that as a go-to activity. Keeping the sight lines clear and double checking befor changing lanes and asking passengers to help is good too.. okay happy summer... peace and light and lotsa love!


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