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Mysteries that We Need to Factor Into Our Futures

on Thu, 01/02/2020 - 19:16

The TedTalk link below explores that we are living longer (going from an average life span of 50 to 80 over the course of the 1900s.

Plus we're not dying from heart problems lately as Americans, but still metabolic syndrome (diabetes, obesity, high BP) still a big problem.

How You Grow Before You're Born (very low or high birth weight) and the 1st two years of your life determine whether you will have a high risk for disease later on...

If very low weight when young, their heart and pancreas are smaller so function under more stress and the pancreas will not produce as much insulin. Too much weight may result in more fat that throws the metabolism.

Those effects can be passed onto the next generation...All of this is in the talk, but worth having notes about. Okay, I will leave some for you to listen to..

But I'll add he goes over the basics of how a woman's eggs in her ovaries are in her body when she is born. 

Men are also contributing their genetic material to their offspring with influence from past factors and relatives...The food and stress can affect genetic material.

This speaks to EpiGenetics (learn it, say it and use it on your friends, Kent Thornburg says to laughter.) Many more implications for health (from 1 Billion a day to 2 billion a day in years to come.)

He is saying to eat fruit and veggies, nuts, beans and grains and fish a few times a week if pregnant (but not the kind with high mercury I'll add, such as tuna.)

The Diabetes epidemic is really going haywire he says...he says to Cut Down on Processed Foods at home and school, work and fun... and Basically Replace those with healthy real food. I'll add the following...

Many of these points were discussed by people in the past but we were missing on spreading the word far and wide. Now with the internet and support to make good choices we can (and Must) do Better for everyBody to have a real chance.

Let's help pregnant women (before they become pregnant to eat non GMO, organic, real veggies and healthy food... with lots of stress free living. It's a tall order but far cheaper than what we are looking at currently and in the future... Best to all.