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Anticipation of events create Expectations..which can become reality

on Sat, 01/18/2020 - 19:11 Jennice Villhauer

 Instead of giving up on making changes toward what you want, give a listen to her talk...She shares that we tend to predict what will happen rather than stay open to positive possibilities.. If someone says, "We need to talk" that can trigger expectations that then shape 'self-fulfilling prophecies'. There's more to that using the past to predict the future is common and habitual is something to keep in mind...when thinking about the future. It's important to be aware of beliefs that can help override automatic 'expectations' and that things could be different and more in alignment with what you want. Rather than think of the fable of the fox who can't reach the grapes by walking away saying they were sour anyway and he didn't want them... consider taking consistent actions to address worry, fear, overwhelm. Ask what you do want to have happen in any situation...and what do I need to do to make what I want happen?

 I feel many of these talks I've listened to this morning are helpful for basic getting stuff done and seeing a trip through that seemed 'too good to be a true possibility and one I've put off for decades..."

But having had some things come around that made it a bit mroe possible and toying with the What If's and dreaming out loud, it llooks like a go with a commitment to follow through in the next month. It's not my norm to make a big decision (without reason like helping care for someone maybe one day to the next, which has happened a few times in the last five years...) but for fun and to remember what I had hoped to do a few decades's opening up as a possiblity...and like many things there's always the 'but what if...." even for the future so I'll have to keep that in a basket on the shelf for after I get back in case I want to recall that was another part of the equation...and see how it plays out.

The next talk that came up by a doctor says  'Sleep is Good Medicine" as is rest and less I'll post that too... maybe to watch on the beach on my va-cay and program and time of visiting with family and friends in Hawaii and out West in the United States of A-Miracle! This psychiatrist DR. Shimi Kang shares that success for herself as a parent, person, and all around human...came from Adaptablity --to be able to fit with one's environment. Her mom had raised five kids even though she had not gone to school. She shared that superbugs adapted to antibiodies and thrive. Humans thrive when they can be resilient and adaptable to new schools, people, equipment and life and aging. How and why do we adapt are questions she explored.

She goes through some neuroscience...At 7:30 in the talk. We are restored by sleep. We shouldn't over or particularly undersleep. We may be over gathering and drifting from 'what it means to be human.' Too often people are 'too busy to eat or sleep.' She shares that dolphins are intelligent, fit, and have great social lives with no alcohol even though they live in a competitive environment.

Dolphins sleep with one eye open, her kids told her, with their brains able to 'sleep and keep an eye for their safety.' She shares ideas that Playfulness is key... with imaginitive, open-ended and lots of creativity and fun. Old Legos were simple and open-ended. Free play opens the frontal part of our brain and makes us comfortable with uncertainty

Others are why we adapt (stay connected to family, friends, and social connections.) Social isolation, lonelineness, solitary confinement are linked with poor health and even self-harm. Meaningful social bonding lights up our brains...That helps people adapt as well. It is important to be connected to something beyond ourselves. It's important to rest and focus on relaxation. There is an epidemic of Stress which can wreak havoc on our biology. We do well with Down Time, becoming mindful and all that jazz.

I'll remind people about as a helpful resource as well (that's something I'm hoping to try for a few weeks with a free trial and likely continue or do in the future...I'll keep you posted. Bring back "POD" into your life (as Dolphins live in pods.) See her book called The Dolphin Way too!

The next talk is on Happiness The info may be "Tell Me More" is an enriching way to keep conversation, stories and experiences to be valued. 'What happened next?" That also keeps the exploration going. Relationships will be improved whether family, friends or co-workers. He describes both as Three Simple Words to help you do more and better. He referenced a quote from a fellow now in spirit.that strangers are friends we haven't met yet.

Don't you love that (with some common sense mixed in and public ways to screen and assess folks of course but holding out the expectation and hope for everyone to put their best foot forward in improving how our human experiences play out now that we are largely waking up, feeling connected globally if not intergalatically and with loved ones past, present and future..and So Much More (there's my bonus three words for hanging in there with this Saturday dreaming out loud with these speakers...maybe I'll Be Next (for a Tedx Talk).

.I do have a friend, Dylan Lundgren of Southern Berkshre Toastmasters in MA doing one soon so I'll keep you posted and share here of course!) "You've Got This!" Dylan and everybuddy aspiring to dream their dreams for the greater good (okay so there is a catch but again likely will be even better for you as that's generally how it goes when working in sync with the bigger love playing field. "Dream Out Loud!"