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What about Police Brutality people spoke out about on FB...some with more caution than others

on Wed, 05/27/2020 - 16:18

Here's my response to comments made on a FB post picturing a black athlete 'taking a knee' and a  white cop holding a black man down by the neck (which I had not realized was from the recent George Floyd tragic crime but now have learned more about online) with his knee..

FB Comments were depicting the horror of police brutality, calling it unjust and saying 'all cops are criminals (a stronger word I won't repeat...) One suggested making filming all steps of a police interaction mandatory which sounded like a good plan. I thought that was the case, but likely that's here is my comment--

I don't think it's fair to put 'all cops' in the same boat.Maybe specify 'cops who do this kind of thing' at heart are nothing but.... in this day and age you'd be wise to revise or double check if it's breaking a law to express your opinion authentically and directly...

There are a lot of peacemaking efforts going on and the more society pays attention the solutions of sharing responsibility and accountability (and filming stops and going to a public place before pulling over ideally...whatever is legal) the sooner there would be a natural decline in these crimes (against civilians.)

That said, one could write a play or podcast and voice all sorts of feelings and ideas freely via fictional characters. See a play that can be put on for free about DV and similar blaming the victim (and abandoning those who need help even while they go to 'support people') called Will You Hold My Child?

The wrongdoing against humanity knows no gender (though it's primarily female including pregnant women), age (though mainly the very old or very young) or color (though it's mainly people of color due to the Western Civilization model of not allowing people of color to vote.) By the way, women got the vote 100 years ago so change takes a while and much advocacy is needed.

See other sites such as CA Protective Parents Assoc. and Battered Mothers Custody Conference...similar dynamics of power and control over victims, however abusers define them for their own sense of entitlement...and which our systems have endorsed in many bizarre plenty of broken systems to fix, victims to rescue and support...and lots more.

At least we're catching on, slowly and effectively..see more resources and ideas on (while that's still legal to have, which is not the case in many countries in the world...)