Skip directly to content offering Free Healing Transmission Sessions for All! Plus Other Goodies!

on Wed, 05/19/2021 - 13:33

Who doesn't appreciate a gift that keeps giving...and is free with no strings attached? I thought so, me too! So head on over to and join in a monthly online session the last Wednesday of most months with an easy sign up link. Hope to help more people step aboard the Healing Feeling Train of Peace and Harmony.

Check out what the folks at are doing as well! Lots of great support out there with many podcasts and products.... and let that inspire some 'healing feelings' for yourself and others in balanced ways and creative caring too about the bigger human family of which we are all part. HugEnergy with Love from Above (that's some of the secret sauce the Boss whispered in my heart to part more wisdom on our planet at this time...)

See other posts here on and and on too (that's a magazine of blog posts, and you could start your own blog there for free and even get paid for some posts possibly...) Let's learn and grow our tribes together..that's a tip from too who can help more women learn about Clubhouse so see how this all fits together with moving puzzle pieces forming positive possibilities and relatlionships even thinking about it all?

Unfortunately my local paper said I can't share my personal contact info for the blog and such in my Opinion Letters to the Editor but I can take out a classified ad (Who Really Reads those though...) So hope to find more people wanting to share my site so we stay in the flow and in the know of the good stuff ASAP from prayers and cares to do's and dares (and even talk about fears and bears...and songs like I wonder where's my Sandy and Caroline Paton of Folk Legacy Records... on one of their two kids albums/ CDs which are all free on youtube now...) Okay back to the beYouToFull May Day..2021 and counting! Well here's another set of songs from Long Ago by Sandy and Caroline Paton kids albums are When the Spirit Says Sing....and  I've Got A Song! They also had New Harmony and were on other albums as well with artists such as Gordon Bok, Ed Trickett and Anne Mayo Muir as well as Dave and Cathy Para. Lots of amazing talent worth helping more folks learning history, folk music and English appreciate. Great to play that for kids when they are young to inspire them to make their own music as well, maybe a verse here and there or a whole song that can come out when they open up their mouth....and sing in harmony!