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Keeping Options Open along with seeing the world with new hearts, ears and eyes to be wise!

on Sat, 06/05/2021 - 17:49 is the link to learn more about how women and youth will be cashing in on the flow of funds coming their way...more than most realize and mushrooming toward 2/3 of the wealth in the country by 2030 (that's mainly for women but kids are close to their hearts and usually better supported than if a fellow is in charge of funds...and that's the world over.) Now is a good time to plant seeds not only in gardens but in efforts to receive wealth in her many forms...and with friends to enjoy it more fully.

I have a book Unconditional Money by David Cates about the secrets shared with him when he was working for wealthy folks at a resort in Hawaii back in the day. Not just any started by a Rockefeller for $280 Million dollars and counting I'm sure these many decades later, though I'll have to see if it's still up and running since the lava flow changed the landscape (ever have one of Those days?!

Yes, me too...not fun or even comprehensible but time allows for a lot of healing and journeying...and I actually headed out to Hawaii from CT just before COVID 19 erupted in volcanic fashion...and created the lava effect of making people want to seek safety and shelter...and stay there for endless days. But back to Hawaii and the idea of money falling from the skies like the enormous amount of rain that falls on the island due to the winds blowing down from Alaska with lots of water in tow.

That was worth pondering...and now more news I've heard online from folks like Jenn August, Jenn McLean and many others (not all names Jen but likely a few more) and speakers (a few now) who say we likely are limiting ourselves from the inside and from former beliefs and always worth tuning into the present with a clean slate (and there are tips to doing that or one can just 'go there to that happy place' and accept the marvel of the day and a sense of 'having everything perfectly in place and in the bank or however one can hone in on the dream' as already having happened...and then the Youniverse and the Universe and greater flow and energy on all levels can work to 'make that so.'

I joke around with folks I show my garden to when we get to the herbs..and I offer that if they ever need more time to just get a few pinches and enjoy the fragrance of thyme that is growing heartily at their feet. I will give a Shout Out to all gardeners and one particular group who grow food for a wonderful woman who needs extra attention to have things she needs handy and support to sit up and be put in a wheel chair later in the day and so on.

Maybe you know someone in such a situation who needs and deserves a great care team to work With them, appreciating what amazing minds and stamina the clients have to go through life 'in the slow lane' physically but all the richer as humans to be able to sustain their own being spiritually, emotionally, mentally and socially...even if they cannot speak or barely move.

Giving credit to all the care and help they've had over a lifetime, as has each of us...and so moving to remember at this time of year, with the US Memorial Day, reverence for victims of all forms of loss and violence particularly if in their own relationships and families...or on the wider world scale from the past with D-day on June 6th, 1945 claiming lives and requiring us now to learn the Truth about whether that was 'necessary or appropriate' to bomb Hiroshima in Japan and more evidence is coming forth that is was neither nor was the subsequent bombing of Nagasaki.

June 4th, 1989 is the Remembrance of Tiannamen Square Chinese tragedy of the killing of protestors that numbered over 10K according to a report from the BBC that was included in an article by Ethan Yang from (far more than the reported 200) and representing the million that gathered over a period of time prior to that. The endless heartbreaking news from around the world of the mistreatment, abuse and killing of some by others is moving more people to realize that it is not okay to sit on the sidelines.

There are no borders guaranteed whether in the Everglades in Florida that are filled with pythons or that of any country's shoreline that is eroding or between almost 8 million Isreali and  almost 4 million Palestinian people in Israel. That is waking up more people to the reality of climate change and the need to for more people to have a bigger say in the immediate future and next key decades. We need people to live sustainably and with ways to validate fairness and decency for all or at least a heck of lot more people than currently live comfortably. Tuning into Jennifer's Law in CT can help every state remind people of higher safety and care standards. Seeing other posts on this blog including one on for a free month trial could be one way to help more people take good care of themselves with ten minutes of relaxation and support (to help their R and L sides of the brain function better with other added benefits of less stress and better sleep. ) Some riches are meant to be shared and many of those can be linked to indulging in them for oneself first to become a more peaceful, happier, well-rested person. Those things tend to go together, who knew it's not just up to chance like an internal weather system? May we each feel the greater love flowing in our hearts and minds like the sunshine that greets us each day as part of the present.