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Wild Fires and Flooding and Droughts, Oh Why?! See and The Climate Reality Project for more info

on Fri, 07/23/2021 - 14:54

Some e-mails jump out and make me pause from my busy skimming through dozens a day. One from The Climate Reality Project had info about "urgent climate action needed." Of course we do, but where do we turn and how do regular folks tune in and organize?

They are running a fundraising campaign to reach a goal of $5000 to help a 'rapid response' to address matters. I hope to learn more details about what they are doing but thought I could at least pass on the info so see

Of course is hopefully becoming a household term around the world as people realize having more than 350 parts per million of carbon in the atmosphere creates a problem for life on this planet. We are up to 400 ppm and the ozone is thinning as a result.

The icebergs melting due to warmer weather and an 'erosion of sorts' from water circulating under them as well (from what I saw on a television program) as well as the oceans rising (and land sinking in some places) means everyone should think about "moving in land' and not banking on having an oceanfront retirement location...the ocean is coming to you!

  A book by David Pogue suggests people head to the the Great Lakes for fresh water on a longterm basis so it seems if the US Government and each state therein would think about the need for such transitioning, people could have the ten years or so it would take to smoothly think and try out ways to 'move their neighborhoods and families' or find ways for more people to live sustainably in part of our vast country rather than 'everyone all over the place...'

The song that says, Come Together, Right Now....and "All you need is love..and I'd like to teach the world to sing in perfect harmony  (with a verse about Living in Perfect Harmony) would be  a helpful one at this point to explore.

Easing zoning to allow more people to care for their loved ones and neighbors to honor communities and people living in villages rather than institutions could create a meaningful time for more people who may need skills, be willing to network with some help and so on.

It's just 'the right thing to do' and around the world the climate and political problems are challenging in ever pressing ways. We really could try to be on The Helping Team (not The Hurting Team) by how we live, educate, and understand our shared predicament... The Have's living so much better than the Have-Not's is not everyone's idea of fairness or best practices.

Creating some basic ways for people to have dignity, items and and support to keep records of one's life and so on is something that should be fairly easy to do in this modern world...and yet finding ways to transition from a few hundred people owning and running the business of the world to embracing the half of the planet's population (women) as creators of life and worthy of respect economically to stay safe, fed and cared for along with their children is something that few think about realistically.

Women are in the business of being mothers potentially whether they realize it or not. Men also need to take their role and responsibility as a biological father seriously and not leave the consequences of their actions to women and society.

Protecting women could be everyone's shared goal and helping each country and state set guidelines for what is expected to maintain contact with one's birth children in a healthy reasonable fashion could be a starting point for everyone to support voluntarily until the political and social efforts can catch up.

Likely by eating natural foods with limited sugars and 'junk food' would be a wonderful way to help people have healthy infants and children as well as regain a healthy standard of living for themselves as well. Moderate exercise could benefit many (such as walking but with safety in mind in terms of supervision, safe conditions and support with a stroller for children or groceries etc) and even many public bathrooms to make travel easier in a city but also in rural places.