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What's Dance and Talking Got to do with Life? Let Me Break It Down For You....

on Fri, 08/13/2021 - 11:36

Dance is a combo of planning or not planning and movement and usually not speaking or vocalizing but plenty of time with that. Think of musicals, poetry slams which may involve people using vocal variety and an array of gestures.

A lot of time there are Sounds Around from nature and household activities, the television, video or radio sounds of people speaking or music playing and someone is moving about in the kitchen, running upstairs (hopefully not running up or down but you get the picture,) moving near or past someone in the hallway or in a room looking for something, going somewhere or leaving an area in search of their next need or want for solitude or connection.

Any of this sounding like something you can relate to or see happening in your home or local area, maybe passing people in the street with a simple acknowledgement, a nod or a hello all while moving from Point A to Point B?

What if you are in a hurry and they are going in slow motion, possibly laden with a child in their arms or pushing a stroller or cart with groceries? What kind of music might match that kind of scene, rock and roll, folk or classical when going from the quieter slower movement to the faster loud part?

How about all the color sound adds to a movie with suspense or to bring on the good times or final scene of things being resolved? Might you hear that in the background throughout hectic or difficult parts of your day during the sudden outbursts from someone else or  change of movement whether stopping suddenly in a conversation or slamming on the brakes even at a slow rate of speed, maybe in a parking lot to avoid a person crossing into your path or a truck barreling down the road you almost didn't see since you were in a hurry and a flurry of emotions?

Those things happen, even the brakes may go on a car or truck when taking it into the repair shop knowing they need attention. If testing if brakes are losing power in a driveway it may pass muster, with extra pressure on the brakes making the car stop. However there may be leaking brake fluid and that means a "No Go" since the brakes will give good to have the car towed to the garage for repairs (so get Triple A, AAA, for yourself and usually for a bit more others in the same household.)

Also check wear and tear of tires (you should be able to put a penny in the groove) and the tightness of lug nuts and such and other basics of a car under the hood. Even look around and under the car before getting in the car (check for cats who may like to sleep under there and please make sure no kids are following a family member or friend out to the car or around to get curious about whose pulled in or leaving, especially if construction is going on.) Okay you get the idea. I do know someone who drove with loose lugnuts (that hold a wheel in place) and thankfully got to a garage (whose mechanics had told her the sound that sounded like grounding and trouble to her was just because they were snow tires with studs...) By the time she pulled in they were amazed the car could function since there Were No Lug Nuts on the Wheels...and they'd never seen that in their decades of business.

Makes one consider angelic intervention and stories by Marc Anthony, a psychic attorney, share other tales of mystical intervention regarding intuition, timing and 'against all odds, someone not getting hurt whether with a car or other set of factors' even while others nearby were perishing. He has a remarkable story for instance about someone getting safely out of a tower on 9/11//01 by following the guidance he got at many turns. So by all means, start one's day with an intention to 'not miss warning signs' and to be guided on all levels, including emotionally and with the ability to 'pull over safely out of a conversation, an interaction, a drive or as a rider (ask to get out for fresh air due to feeling nauseous for instance...which plenty of people have a need for due to car sickness sometimes over their whole life going around a fast corner or hills or curves etc so maybe time it accordingly and calmly. Even if one is driving it's okay to say one needs a little 'time to oneself' or a time out from a situation to make a quick call or take a walk for a minute or more.)

 How about calling in help earlier in life for the ups and downs, the breakdowns and when brakes break down before you drive it again, anywhere. Some people may have a medical issue or be buzzed or drunk and still drive. They are putting themselves in a moving vehicle and others at risk

. Some end up having a passenger hurt or killled and the driver then needs to go behind bars with major limitations put on freedom of movement and speaking as well as interacting with others in person even on the phone and online.The array of interactions between two people, even a pregnant mother and her offspring are on a continuum of consent (including conception and carrying a pregnancy and how to deliver intentionally versus 'otherwise' in terms of timing naturally or with medical intervention.)

Then a new person may be separated from their mother for a little while or longer in the first few minutes and hours and possibly days depending on the medical needs of each person. Someone may be in a challenging situation or for another reason, never in touch with their offspring or parent for a longer period of time including forever. One or both people may be harmed from poor health, injury (accidental or intentional by another, usually the father or male figure in a mother and child's life.)

The movement in space, the words, threats and actions continue to add to the dance and drama of a person's life, even to those in the state of being a 'frozen embryo, eggs or sperm.)

If two people are connecting in the same body (mother and offspring for instance whether conceived naturally or in vitro and however many offspring, as a surrogate, forced or chosen mother as well as father) they have a relationship that may involve physically affecting one another, including damaging or harming eachother, potentionally  lethally by accident or intentionally, via a virus or physical turn of events (perhaps falling down stairs or being in a car accident due to distraction, fighting or in the same car and impacted by other forces whether cars, trees or wires or weather events.)

Ideally as we turn into how we use our thinking and planning abilities on a regular basis as well as for special trips or occassions or being around various people in an array of settings, we can all upgrade our basic living and 'dancing' plans to aim for safety and sharing the load in life and sharing the road in the world to make it turn out more harmonious (and less harming on us.)

Thanks for tuning into this idea even when having a dream, setting intentions and telling a story to have it come out more farily for all involved with a sense of the greater good, sustainable living on our one shared planet and with support from other realms who are likely invested or interested in things going well in this Great Experiment Called The Dance of Life on Earth, so far it's the only one in town or the universe that we know of so let's make a go and a show of it worth showing up for (as we each have in terms of being alive now for this time together along with nature, plants and animals, water and earth elements for a stage and props and of course all other people as characters with divine or other energy forces and even computers playing a bigger role in the dance than most ever imagined...)

Carry on and warm up your body, voice, mind and team on the daily, morning and night (or at the beginning and end of your daily cycles of waking and sleeping.) On with the dance and show of life! Other posts on explore choices we make in living and driving and ways to choreograph acknowleding one another as part of age groups, countries, states, local areas, 'genders and roles' particularly born males, females, 'other' and parents and infants or new people growing within a woman or even the in vitro team candidates...and those who have journeyed on as well as all part of the team with all who are living in mind. Plus any energy beings influencing each person or wider groups and places. So lots explored and hopefully more feeling ready do consider the What IF possibilities in Life! To Life!