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Hearts of Humanity Lit With Wisdom, Courage and Love For Healing and Helping

on Tue, 12/21/2021 - 03:52
To the Editor:
In this time of lighting candles, strategies and combined efforts to pull through tough times and ongoing concerns,, I offer this reflection to encourage us all to see the healing power of helping, community and energy that sustains and inspires. Each person, issue and life journey is worthy of shared consideration.
 It takes a village to remember who and what happened with all views factored in as authentically as possible with time to delve deeper for evidence to understand 'what really happened' or what is causing problems below the surface or even as officially reported. Looking beyond the physical realm of a person's biology and actions during one's lifetime is can be meaningful to relatives, friends and wider communities over generations.
We carry on traditions and community ties even with many challenges. World views are changing, hopefully for the better in terms of more accurate and collaborative for the greater good. 
Historical and spiritual wisdom as well as modern guidance online and in person and through education can feed our souls and remind us of the great value of how we live in our hearts and choose to connect not merely how long we live or manage to survive.
 At this time we can take a few moments of quiet, time to connect peacefully with ourselves and others with a walk  or gathering day or night and efforts to form meaningful teams of support to explore ideas and concerns and join efforts with others locally and beyond to help more people feel included, valued and supported. 
Thanks to all working along these lines even with good intentions, many say that's where it all begins. Best wishes to everyone in these last weeks of 2021 and into the formative years of this decade. All hands and hearts on deck with teamwork and time to reflect.
Our hearts are knit together
Like a quilt of vibrant hues
We feel the chill of winter
The sting of bitter news
Searching for a way to heal
We form a dozen crews
Together we craft a vision
To ward off the blues
Each season is full of challenges
Yet also many a gift
When we are confused or weary
Others can give us a lift
Finding our way home again
Our paths tend not to drift
Joining hands as circles of friends
The right embracing the left
Catherine Palmer Paton, Falls Village CT