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Kudos and Hugs to all who got into a College or Found Work or Are Doing Well in Life with a Dream and Support!

on Mon, 04/14/2014 - 12:48

The President of Bard College is Leon Botstein and he was born (according to Wikipedia) Dec 14th, 1946 for those who may like to look up meanings (Chinese astrology by the year, regular astrology, or even in a more general sense The Enneagram or Chinese elemental type) or make connections with such things as the Sandy Hook tragedy which was 12-14-12..Knowing of positive events on a certain date can be a counterpoint event to remember every day not only can have its troubles but is the birthdate of about 9 million people,mostly wonderful people with good lives YetI digress, but that's part of how these posts work. For other insights check your own birthday with other posts on this blog and info from ). Mr. Botstein spoke with a few hundred parents and accepted students in the Fisher Auditorium where he would later be conducting the American Symphony on April 12th, 2014. He assured people there was no question or matter too insignificant to raise for discussion. He spoke candidly and intelligently about an array of issues that were raised by about twenty people.

Even before he took the stage, a greeter asked if anyone had a question, and I humbly asked if the college were aware of which could help students with public speaking (and asking questions at such events). Apparently not, but that brief exchange, amplified over the microphone to the crowd, helped educate everyone about said supportive group in every state and a hundred countries. There are special programs for colleges (and others wanting to use that format even informally, another idea whose time has likely come.) 

The value of going to college was highlighted not for merely getting in but in terms of taking full advantage of offerings and being an engaged community member academically and otherwise. Mr. Botstein actually said 'it doesn't matter where you go as much as how you do once there'. Anyone could remember that tip for their own journey and's never too late and you can make the most of where you are..those are ideas I am finding in The Disapperance of the Universe by Gary Renard which would be good for all colleges to promote reading of in their communities. The local pick was Housekeeping which again more towns could follow along with promoting public reading events.

Back to the the college president's talk. When asked, he shared that he had four children, including his daughter Abigail who died when being hit by a car on Rt 199 near the college (over 20 years ago I learned from an alum who was there at the time it happened. Even that 'chance connection' seemed an affirmation from his daughter or my son in spirit world that there are many ways history is recorded and that the meaningful connections keep the facts alive.

The upswing from the woman sharing is that her daughter was accepted as was mine, so the new legacies could honor the collective journey of people who have faced hard times. Mr. Bostein was proving an inspiring example for any parent or person who has faced 'devastating loss' to find their path back toward healing, hope and helpful endeavors, even if not as extradordinary as the full workload he carried.

A national network of people(including Mr. Botstein)  who have managed to stay positive through such times would be an encouragement to many, even those who have not had to face a direct hit or loss. The sense of care in the audience was palpable after his brief sharing which then included where his other children ended up going to college. He, like all administrators or leaders, are really 'just people' too. The choices we make in any of our roles or on our own behalf are impacting others.

I could write a lot about this part of  the discussion in terms of his honesty and the possibilty that there is still more for the college to consider about 'such losses and death in general, as well as other unexpected changes such as divorce and all the travesty of the corrupt or complicated courts particularly involving custody). There is the whole realm of spiritual insights to help people consider as important to be aware of..each of has people in our family tree (who Steiner says we have reincarnated with in soul groups to help heal karma or do certain work or form special relationships.) These are likely novel ideas to most. I did share informally with many students in the clubs about my site and various ideas that I thought may be helpful to them.

Meanwhile the question and answer session was varied and interesting. Students questioned him about making over $600K annually and he said that was not the case. He had taken funds from his savings to help pay for  his mother's care.  A memoire could help US-All understand how he developed so much talent and stamina...but back to the  the pamphlet depicting him with a crown made him think of Jesus..with him being the second Jewish king. He called it 'stupid and adolescent' but then said that's what young adults do and it simply was not true. With all due respect, he likely could have taken time to reflect and say he found it offensive and hurtful, and not link the criticism or level of inaccuracy to any age group.

The talk included ideas about college being a place that could and does in the case of Bard reflect on the problems of the world in meaningful ways. They have a campus in NYC and a few high schools in low-income areas (Newark NJ, New Orleans) to help people qualify for further learning. They have many programs, including one in prison (which offers 300 inmates a college education equivalent to Bard's on-campus program academically). People applauded when told that graduates who had finished their prison terms and were not allowed back on prison grounds for their graduation were welcomed along with the other students at their graduation. I think that is the right spirit but I do feel anyone with a prison or particularly a violent history should be monitored more closely at such events, hopefully with their full compliance since any recidivism is not ideal for the prison or prisoner and of course, not good for any victim.

Michael Ross who was a CT murderer(now deceased as of 2005 by order of CT) shared in the press once that he did not feel he was able to control himself when it came to wanting to hurt or kill people even after 20 years in prison, mostly in solitary. That's an extreme example, but for instance, all former inmates could be known by the security people and asked to check in or have a buddy to help assure a peaceful situation.

The fact is there are many people who are out and about in our society, and while it is no one's job to monitor them, ideally they would have people they feel accountable to, ready to ask for help if stressors arise, or other basic needs or upsets come their way they want assistance with. No reason to limit that buddy system idea to people in prisons or recently out. Overall, if anyone is prone to have difficulty navigating an event, a trip, a situtation or such, they could plan to have a support person or more with them. Most people have a built-in support team and likely could fine tune agreements so people are effective in their relationships. People who are in a divorce, new relationships, or really under stress of any kind should plan to have a support person more often than not in their life and when going out and to events like weddings, graduations, funerals or other public or stressful programs.

Ideally, a talk with one or more college presidents, some with counselors and professors and so on could be put online for every college so people can benefit from learning more directly from the institutions in their area or that they might visit or may have someone attend. The ideas can then trickle out to other aspects of a state and country. Soon the best ideas could be shared more readily online and perhaps influence laws such as happened with the UCONN women who pursued sexual assault cases. Representative Roberta Willis of CT was on the media (radio and such) spelling out what every state and college could consider. Victims need better prevention and protection as well as a manmer to report assault with respect and appropriate responses. The colleges and states have an inherent response-ability to do more sooner to keep all people safe and help prosecute or expel or otherwise address criminal actions. That is the kind of wake-up call perpetrators of violence and assault of all kinds need to hear: There will be consequences.

Ideally more people could be monitored so they would not want to offend or hurt others. Often such crimes are done because someone feels they 'can get away with it', they are not aware or able to monitor their own feelings and physical levels of arousal or they are not adept socially to ask for help, get coaching about relationships or any number of factors that our culture does not talk about. The web can do a lot, but it's not a cure-all in socializing people or talking them out of 'letting nature or their unbridled instincts take their course'. Women likely really need to have a lot more help understanding 'what a lot of guys are thinking' or the ploys used to get them in vulnerable situations( isolated, in cars, away from friends short-term or longer, always checking in or being needed, and much more. See for info that can posted publicly to educate everyone..and catch us up to speed on these critical matters which Do Affect Everyone directly or indirectly.

Overall, kudos and hugs to all pursuing their dreams, taking time to be quiet and tune into and other helpful sites on their own (learning to go to bed before 10:30pm and sleep at least until 3am but ideally to 7 am). In a nutshell, Chinese Medicine asserts that our spirit (Hun) 'goes out and about from our body from 11p to 3am and another energy restores our organs at this that's why it very helpful to 'catch the restorative and dream train'. This sleep time is part of a daily cycle. Also the five elements (which correlate to personality types, seasons, organ functions and much more) are helpful to learn about. Find out more online. These were ideas shared during a fundraiser in memory of who taught many as an acupuncturist and more.

Spring is the time of planting, growing, changing ( spring clearning can help allow new energy in one's home and be freed from past burdens..a tip I hope to follow) connecting with the earth by eating greens and walking outdoors, learning some simple relaxation and eating well for one's organs, health, energy and more. Nettle tea infusion (google) can be energizing was one tip. More healing programs at colleges and in every community can help prevent illness and give people positive ways to connect. Learn more at and find ways to be part of  your learning and growing communities today! Check out free info on ( I meant to share that tip with Bard too, but here it is for one and all)

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