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Reflecting on Turning Our Earth Ship (and Hearts and Common Sense) Around in Time to Save Many More and Evolve with Love....

on Mon, 11/21/2022 - 00:31

Thank you for your efforts, Greg O'Brien with your message to the world called Different Shades (of humans, not different hearts and energies when reflecting on the care and courage people showed who survived 9/11/01.) here are comments and more thoughts added in response to the sharing on youtube.

Take a moment (and get ready to be moved... about the actual events..not the causes and such, just what humanithy went through... and know that everyone finds themselves in a dire situation of danger or loss or other disturbing news that can rock one's world...and let's hang tight and sit down, breathe and find a friend to help one through...Calling 911 if in danger or 988 if in despair are starting points. Also or 311 in NYC (calling or online) are helpful for all to look up. Also can inform more people with basic training safety and abuse matters. Prevention is key!

With the moment to remember Sept.10th, a day of raining our ball games to expecting 'clear blue skies' the next. We are all learning far more than we ever can have imagined about the events of that day and can trust 'the truth will prevail' in ways and in time to help us become ever wiser.

Creating more networks of accountability and credibility are all key to each part of our lives and society. I share more information and food for thought on Our teen son Kaelan Palmer Paton put his all into 'living life fully' and with a great sense of family, community and friendship through his first year of high school when he was sixteen years old.

Then on the last day of school, Tuesday, June 16th, 2009, he drowned at the base of a large waterfall keeping his friends from drowning, saving two while still on the edge of the riverbank where the water seemed 'safe enough to jump into from above' and helping save a third by swimming through treacherous water to reach him and giving him a push likely to help his get to a rock to cling to, but being swept beneath the falls in the process.

The Kaelan Paton Memorial--and celebration of life with song, potluck and reflections from rescuer Skip Kosciusko and teacher Monica Connor reading his 8th grade essay--..was held a month after his passing, and is on youtube in short segments) hel

That was held at Sharon Center School in CT which he attended in grades K, then 1-8 after a year of homeschooling when he was 6.Kealan's folksinger Grandfather Sandy Paton died at the end of July 2009 so he had seen many old friends (some who have passed as well over the next decade, including his wife Caroline who sang a song about Love (based on the biblical verse of love being the greatest attribute.)

Sadly due to challenges in a legal custody dispute, Kaelan had not gotten to see me or much of my family and friends in the three years prior to his passing. Those kinds of 'missteps' are ones that all of the country and world could tune into to help prevent.

Prioritizing safety is an ongoing effort of many domestic abuse advocacy groups and yet many families are not able to spend much time together even from the time and infant is born, childcare is expensive and help is often feeding into systems of taking over the upbringing of children and the care of elders without a real chance to review or renew ties once certain systems and their fees and policies come into play.

These are not issues for the confused, unconcerned, hopeful but not capable of taking time or having people in their communities learn about and educate all people as to what is fair and whata can be challenging (even about caring for people ones in a family or social circle, neighborhood or meaningful group such as a faith or school community.)

Pretty much 'no one is driving the bus for
US All, and we need to gently but consistently understand the road map our country, each state, region and town has to be motivated and directed to take to get to a new level of efficiency and efficacy in helping people stay in their homes or with responsible, caring people without having a few upsets throw a care plan off track. Often people will land in a nursing home or other system that limits their assets or support even from outsiders.

All very important for each person to understand and find people who will 'have their back' and possibly 'override impulsive or inappropriate actions or calls to authorities (police, courts or social workers) that may be more of a symptom of depression, confusion or dementia or abuse.

Each worker needs to want to be accountable and learn to have ways to apologize and make amends if violating care or work standards or becoming unbalanced and inappropriate in accusing others or pressing for 'vexatious litigation' (legal actions without any solid ground) Shows more about an author also named Greg O'Brien who shares practical ways to learn about dementia and get more people thinking about it and sharing concerns for society to improve care and responses.

Some people with challenges (physical, behavioral, psychological) will believe in their feelings and nightmares and not allow any dispute about what they are alleging, cutting off contact among people who might be willing to discuss things or have a more mediated setting with advocates and speaking through third parties, writing out emails or finding ways to clarify and compromise if there are disputes where that may make sense.

Calling people who are trying to shed light on the situation names or putting them down to shut them down or keep them from making any progress in addressing issues in a fair-handed way is too often a dynamic many people can fall into 'unknowingly or unwittingly' one episode to the next, not wanting to know if there is an unhealthy pattern or not.

For this reason more 'fresh starts' in mapping out societal concerns and response teams would make sense, to help more people be aware of what is available to each person and help everyone have more competent ways to keep track of things and clarify over time what they are experiencing and how they are viewing matters. That can keep bullying at bay and call out abusive people and patterns.

That is explored by David Mandel on the Safe & Together Institute and by among many others.

We need to be willing to get to 'common neutral ground' before trying to see things in a new light which hopefully will allow people to step away from shame and blame and really seek truth and healing for more people, without having to pay penalties and such but hopefully would be open to joining forces to allow for apologies of words and actions and find ways to support people in their healing whether as vcitims or perpetrators who can over time learn to make different choices.

They are all doing well as are his extensive family but there could be time hopefully to map out clear guidelines for all to follow regarding supervising youth and others they need to watch over (from those with special care needs of any age to those who may need support whether during pregnancy or short-term and anticipating needs as people age such as offers.)

There's so much to rethink and revise with the information that is shared online and on television to help people stay connected and directed toward a more friendly way of living on the planet, especially as we've reached 8 billion people living on the planet and many needs to clarify.

Dr. Steven Greer offers important timely insights. Hopefully more 'regular folks' can join together in groups of ten or 20 and again have those form coalitions of 100-1000 up to 10.000 people. That's something may have said worked for people in ages past. We are social beings with more pressing shared concerns so helping one another join in with permaculture and educational ways to benefit from living in teams makes more sense than ever. Best to everyone each season of the year and of their lives!