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Gardens Of Possibilities (and Time to Dig Into Those as we're on the clock...)

on Sat, 05/13/2023 - 12:35
With spring and today's world supporting movement and growth on many levels, the time to explore possibilities to address 'needs and wants' as well as pressures and problems in creative ways is upon us. One example is a news story about the Yellowstone series which has run  at an exorbitant yet profitable cost.  The director/writer owns a ranch with Paramount which pays to use it for a set as well.
 A quick scan of Apple news and a listen on Clubhouse on an iPhone also revealed that the need to raise the debt limit so America can still pay bills. That  will be a tug of war about cutting costs and services (or not) before approving a plan.  Another vote will be made about the laws and funds regarding immigration. 
I met someone at a special gathering in Waterbury who shared that families can sponsor relatives if they can provide for them financially from certain countries. Thanks if you can help spread the word as overall our country needs more workers and people to collaborate as families, communities, states and world team players.
Planting the seeds of caring and creativity by connecting is key to outcomes even in a short time (especially in 'easy-access' ways such as with Clubhouse, Facebook groups, youtube and zoom meetings. welcomes guests in person such as in Torrington or on many online forums.) 'Bars and"  and  'The Clearing Statement' (on youtube) I learned of from a free talk by Jamie Verillo at Crystal Essence in Great Barrington.
I summarize many ideas on my blog to help the flow of information, caring, sharing and preventing harm on many levels. I have studied mediation and encourage more to learn about 'respectful ways to self-assess and address one's own life path, feelings and goals as well as one's role in caring and interacting with others as a parent, teacher, co-worker, peer or support or as a partner whether living together or apart of co-parenting or interacting over a life time with a support team.'
 Ken D. Foster hosts Voices of Courage online and is another I have learned from along with (who explains Clubhouse well too.) This can help more people feel empowered and produce better work apparently. When people 'feel better' they generally do better on many metrics.
Acknowledging each person and 'wanting the best for them and oneself' in balanced ways may be a good guide to have that unfold rather than be trapped in worry, anger, sickness and stress. Whatever age someone is can be turned into a date to celebrate each year. So 5/9 would be for 59 -year -olds. With the decades those would be on the 10th, so 60-year-olds would be 5/10. More on my blog to get the ball rolling and safety a priority shared value.
Let's trust many ideas such as permaculture (PC, which I offer for free with The Turtle Garden Permaculture Game,) and catch on to help with 'challenges and interactions' on all levels each season of the year and of our lives.
Catherine Palmer Paton