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Susanna Opper

Guess Who Got 2nd in the Contest for Videos of the Appalachian Trail? The Silver Scramblers of the Berkshires! Kudos to Susanna Opper and Her Crew

on Thu, 05/17/2018 - 19:31

 Susanna Opper is a person of pursuing plenty like a plateful of palette-pleasing dishes. Hiking? Speaking? Storytelling? Videos? Ushering? Movie-going? She's got all that going on Plus she's a great Constant Contact account coach. So what do I do when I learn of a free offer from Constant Contact?

Sign up...but forgot to check with her first! I'll see if we can remedy that, but meanwhile You can benefit from her expertise if you are interested in sending out professional looking emails to your peeps, be they anonymous blog audience members or people you see in a group or business setting.