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2009 CT Teen Hero Kaelan Palmer Paton Remembered on FB and more.

Noting the Miracles Amidst the Tumultuous Whitewater that claimed Our Teen Son Kaelan Palmer Paton of CT on June 16th, 2009....

on Tue, 10/05/2021 - 18:16

From FB posts and pictures, many people are still learning of a great final act of heroism and amazing thinking on the part of our teen son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton...I extend deep thanks for remembrances and thoughts. I share more on Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton about that day and added reflections about challenging times.

On his last day of his freshman year at Housatonic Valley Regional High School, he did leave with a group of his friends to bicycle around the small town of Falls Village CT (where I grew up along with many in my family.

Both his father David and I went