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livfully's blog

Consider the value of Taking Vit C and Vit D3 to boost immunity during COVID 19 time

on Sun, 05/17/2020 - 02:52

 As with anything, check with one's doctor particularly if taking medications when taking any supplements. Vitamin D may be obtained from 20 minutes of sunshine so going outdoors would be a good idea along those lines. In terms of Vitamin C manay say 'any kind will do' while Gregg Braden suggests a certain kind. So again do some research. Some folks say 'check the sources' for any 'funny business or GMOs, etc' and authenticity.' Yet plenty of alternative health folks have suggested this is a big help to our bodies.

None of what I share on this blog is intended to direct one in their health

Hearing more from a site with a fellow named Christof, via Soul Purpose Branding

on Sun, 05/17/2020 - 02:11 offering insights by Christof who has many deep insights into the bigger picture from a lifeitme of studies in consciousness, energy and alternative healing.He offers that the sun, Pluto conjucting with Saturn (and Jupiter earlier) are making more things that were hidden becoming more conscious. He suggests their is a mass awakening (and some drawbacks due to some players.)

The fusion of feminine and masculine consciousness births the divine child which he offers is an evolutionary development of the oversoul consciousness ...moving from 'me to we.' He says this is

Without Revision of Any Kind, A Copy of a Letter Sent Out From CT Senator Chris Murphy

on Fri, 05/15/2020 - 01:07

 The following is shared for everyone's convenience. Without Revision of Any Kind, A Copy of a Letter Sent Out From CT Senator Chris Murphy (No association with the blog


Below please find the Murphy office update on COVID-19. As always, if you need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our Hartford or Washington, D.C. offices. 

Here's what you need to know today, May 13th

  • Today, Senator Murphy, Senator Baldwin of Wisconsin, and Representatives Jason Crow of Colorado, Elissa Slotkin of Michigan, Tim Ryan of Ohio and Katie Porter of California welcomed the news that

Notes to Others Shared here on

on Thu, 05/14/2020 - 02:56
Excerpts from a letter I shared with some folks around Mother's Day, May 10th, 2020 which took me a minute to get the date clear on and then count up days accordingly in the week. As it turned out when I wished someone well for their grown son's birthday, that parent was caught offguard thinking it was 'tomorrow.' So that's another reason to think out help someone else keep track of special occassions if not just the day and date! 
There was a nice write up last year in Rolling Stone about Folk-Legacy going to the Smithsonian Folkways.
