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livfully's blog

Not Your Typical COVID-Fix..but then again, these are not typical times. An idea worth knowing about, free and 'ultra light language'

on Sat, 05/02/2020 - 15:23  is the free offer currently running from with Judy Satori (who has many other offerings and a free trial of her programs for five days.) Judy Satori had over 1500 people on the second call in a series of six weekly live sessions.

Judy Satori is running this program online to help people 'upgrade their DNA and frequencies to be more in alignment with healing and receiving' positive connections with energy to help us at this time in our human evolution.

Inviting you to get on Your Winning Team... Learn as I am from Dr. Ritamarie...

on Sat, 05/02/2020 - 01:15

 Here is a link to talk I heard by chance online...and was able to sign up to study and see if this will be part of my work going forward as well as a helpful way to learn about insulin resistance symptoms and take steps to slow down or prevent prevent pre-diabetes...or diabetes.

Okay, possibilities are worth exploring and learning more about in a concerted way and with a I hope to benefit from the coaching offered and FB groups too. Check this out as you can and maybe with some family and friends to get moving in this healing direction...

Best of luck and happy trails!

NY Rep. Hakeem Jeffries Holds Call for Small Business Owners And A Ton of My Own Ideas Too, so a great value to y'all

on Thu, 04/30/2020 - 18:39

 An hour long call from NY Rep. Jeffries (serving the Brooklyn NY area but much of what was shared may be helpful to others) on Thursday, April 30th, 2020 was helpful to hear of resources which I will share here. After that I get exploring oh, all sorts of Pace Yourself. There won't be a quiz until July 1st, 2020!

For Women's Business Center in Brooklyn NY contact, Check their website to see what they help with and which area they serve.A caller from Brooklyn Seeds said they had worked with 11 schools but now only help 3 with a virtual program.

Some shared that 

Ariana Grande sings 'Still Hurting" and inspires some to reflect on sad times..How 'bout you?

on Wed, 04/29/2020 - 01:14

I wrote a story about this kind of thing that Ariana Grande sings about in Still Hurting. See this site:

That was back in my 20s (and I had that feeling plenty before and even after...all working the heart muscle so to speak)... likely anyone has felt that kind of sadness, pain and longing whether much younger or older...or as life unfolds..the kind of pain and questions separation brings up, unexpected twists and turns in life, someone dying (that's maybe part of why we have the other challenges to warm up for the final kinds of breaks... yet even then there may be ways site is running a free series for the next week...Skim or take notes!

on Wed, 04/29/2020 - 00:24

Hello to All and Trust things are going relatively well for you and yours. Yet hearing the rising number of  people affected in some way and the small percentage who are dying due to the COVID19 condition is concerning and deserves our utmost compassion for each person and their family and friends facing that tough reality. The whole country and world is being reminded of our meaningful connections and reasons to care about one another as well as do the best we can to stay safe and tuned into the causes of illness in general and this CV19 in particular.

The series I am listening to currently
