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livfully's blog

Thanking a Friend who let me know about

on Fri, 04/17/2020 - 17:03

I'm fairly new to getting videos from a friend online in a message...but sometimes it's happened and I've recorded some here (such as the heads up about the Jupiter-Pluto Configuration earlier on April 4th, 2020. Now I got one about 'Love being the one and only answer' to how to heal humanity and our planet...A letter to Leiserl, Albert Einstein's daughter, is read many decades after it was written in 1938  by Branden Boys. His daughter shared it publicly in 1980, following his request to 'wait until humanity would be better able to receive it."

One of my questions having heard it would be

Passing Along CT Senator Murphy Update About COVID19

on Fri, 04/17/2020 - 01:16

From Senator Murphy--

Below please find the Murphy office update on COVID-19. As always, if you need assistance, please don't hesitate to contact our Hartford or Washington, D.C. offices. 

Here's what you need to know today, April 16th: 

  • Governor Ned Lamont announced that a new software improvement at the Connecticut Department of Labor was launched last night that will significantly increase the speed at which unemployment claim applications can be processed. Paired with the continued manual processing, the originally anticipated six-week wait period will be shortened to one week or less.

Scary News from They'd Welcome Donations to Help Prevent This Action!

on Fri, 04/17/2020 - 00:05

"What now? Just today, Trump’s EPA chief and former coal lobbyist, Andrew Wheeler, finalized his dangerous “Poison Plan” to undermine protections from mercury, dangerous soot, and other toxic pollutants from coal and oil burning plants.

This would be atrocious in normal times, but is absolutely reprehensible in the midst of a pandemic. The protection being rolled back  the Mercury and Air Toxic Standards — has reduced particulate matter pollution, which is the type of pollution that is linked to higher COVID-19 death rates1 in communities who are continuously exposed to it.

Trump and

Finding Places to Share an Inquiry About Healthcare Decision Challenges (on National Healthcare Decisions Day, NHDD, and beyond...)

on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 21:04
Thanks for the heads up that I cannot post my inquiry letter in this private facebook group. Maybe that could be mentioned early on for the specificity of my niche (where people may not feel it applies to them) it's actually about as widespread as life itself for people of all ages..
.Nothing is easy nowadays even when it comes to living or dying as one would prefer...if one has a choice. The paperwork is rather critical yet often confusing to the medical folks and possibly even one's health care representative or agent. I have met people recently addressing that aspect.

Helping Get the Word Out About CT Nursing Homes Housing COVID19 Non-Acute Patients

on Thu, 04/16/2020 - 20:48

Copy of Information Shared by CT Rep. Maria Horn on FB as follows:


Following on Wednesday’s announcement re the creation of COVID Recovery Facilities (CRFs) as part of the nursing home surge plan, this evening Governor Lamont signed an executive order implementing the nursing home surge plan. CRFs, including Sharon Health Care, will accept patients who can be discharged from acute care hospitals but are still im​pacted by COVID-19 infection.

There is also a statement from the Governor’s Office below.
