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livfully's blog

Mysteries that We Need to Factor Into Our Futures

on Thu, 01/02/2020 - 19:16

The TedTalk link below explores that we are living longer (going from an average life span of 50 to 80 over the course of the 1900s.

Plus we're not dying from heart problems lately as Americans, but still metabolic syndrome (diabetes, obesity, high BP) still a big problem.

How You Grow Before You're Born (very low or high birth weight) and the 1st two years of your life determine whether you will have a high risk for disease later on...

If very low weight when young, their heart and pancreas are smaller so function under more stress and the pancreas will not

Things Worth Waking Up to in 2020 Good Sleep and the Reality of 5G

on Thu, 01/02/2020 - 16:48

I'll start with the last topic 5G first. See the documentary on a former post about Artificial Intelligence (and self-driving trucks in China, with a driver in them for now...) Jeff Brown gives a talk online about investing in 5G since it will go very big. See Bonners & Partners newsletter since that's where I heard about it.

Marianne Sounding A Clarion Call for US All To Heed: Danger, the Bridge Is OUT! Time's Up!

on Wed, 01/01/2020 - 21:09

That summary came to mind as I am watching the Livestream of Marianne's talk at The Author's Incubator in DC today, January 1st.2020 at 3pm. Just as I thought to put the word "bridge" in the title she said that word so I ran with that. She's truly inspiring, giving a critical comprehensive educational talk about our collective history. I heard her speak live in NYC in mid December to a much larger crowd so it's heartwarming to see what she's doing. She spoke in California since then.

This Democratic Candidate explains the healing that the system needs.

People Know We Are Too Close to A Let's Back It Up A Little Marianne warns.

on Wed, 01/01/2020 - 18:46  Some of what she says is as follows early on:Everything Transforms that we Touch... but we haven't touched politics yet... The world is not a machine of the 20th century mindset. The 21st century month is body centered...we need to see how people are feeling and soul concerns... These are some of the concerns that Trump who named the pain and rage...or Bernie could have answered the call... Let's listen in to her many wise words.

Kudos and Hearts for The Rose Bowl Parade 2020, A-maze-sing!

on Wed, 01/01/2020 - 16:59 Join in the uplifting tradition...Hope everybuddy's stepping into the new year and fresh decade with their best foot forward. HugEnergy all around with love from above. Feeling that our loved ones would be proud to ride on any float and wave to the crowds to keep on going and growing in their lives and adventures for the greater good.

Peace and light in memory of all loved ones and souls who have crossed over and those in their circles holding the faith for healing and growth... and wanting to learn, grow and inspire others to do the same with Big Love...It takes
