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livfully's blog

There's No Missing The Solstice in Terms of Plan-It Heart's Location from the Sun and Such

on Sun, 12/22/2019 - 14:41

Is anyone else tuning more into what the solstice means beyond 'a special day on the calendar near Hannukah and Christmas'? Should grade school children be introduced to the scientific and cultural meanings? What about other insights from visionaries and such? I want to summarize more of what I've been learning but the jist is it's a special time for the earth and humanity... location, location, location wise but also how that affects the light and our proximity to the sun (we're much closer this year than last but still tilted so chilly in the NE of America.)

This year in 2019 it's special

Talk of the Small Towns, the Big Towns, CyberTowns and Then Some

on Sat, 12/21/2019 - 20:28

I heard Tammy Adams (see her youtube channel) at the New Life Expo in NYC (which happens twice a year...) Whose up for a field trip one of those times... even for the day but spending two makes the time more planning ahead makes sense

. I heard someone got an air bnb for 80 dollars..and it turned out to be a van, so double-check any accommodations for details.and go with a friend or two... 

Just common sense which could apply for any moving and driving (as much as possible keep track of each other with two people in one vehicle (a friend etc) and take precautions with

PBS Democratic Debate--7 Candidates, with Biden, Warren and Sanders 'In The Lead'

on Fri, 12/20/2019 - 04:15

I've tuned into the Democratic Candidates this week more than I planned to, but am glad I had a half hour or more to catch the televised debate in which Joe Biden, Bernie Sanders and Elizabeth Warren as well as four others shared important ways they would unite the party and bring critical change to help the United States heal on many levels from the difficulty and even devastation wrought by Donald Trump's administration.

Let's Fill the Bill of Promoting Climate Action in 2020 and Bee-yond!

on Fri, 12/20/2019 - 00:46

I donated to this cause This was promoted by Bill McKibben's video which I will watch in a minute...I also donated in our teen son's Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton's memory since he was all about saving the earth. In a strange turn of events, he risked his life in dangerous water to save one friend after rescuing two others (and had gotten out safely twice himself, perhaps trying to let others know the current was too strong at the base of the Falls in Falls Village and Salisbury CT, in June 2009.)

He gave his all and it may have helped with saving that
