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livfully's blog

More Ways to Celebrate Community Year-Round!

on Mon, 07/23/2018 - 16:29

Hi, I checked with and It's okay to share her site which has videos and may include her offer (check to see if still available) of a session of 90 minutes (rather than her regular one of 60) at the same price...With the many problems from health to insufficient wealth and an array of social and other struggles, almost everyone would welcome some insights. Hoping this is a helpful resource for those who think it's a 'good fit'. Maybe we can all find a few offers to share to help celebrate the Railroad Days Energy in North Canaan CT.

 Thanks to all volunteers, parents, adults

Hello Housatonic River and RailRoad Days 2018! Fireworks on July 28th and more at Poetry is Music before hand by the Depot and Collins Diner!

on Mon, 07/23/2018 - 15:31

 I just wrote some thoughts to the Journal about the legacy of the Railroad and the Housatonic River. I wrote a song about such things a while back and hope get some folks together to give it a whirl (yes, join in the chorus, make up another verse or hear their own inspired song, poem, story and such. I'll have a patchwork quilt out near the Pavillion (or in it if it's raining...) on Thursday 7/26 from 7 to 8pm.

Consider it a Pop-Up Shop of Song and Sharing! #Pop-UpSongs. Be in touch if you'd like to have such a gathering at your own home or group location!

Check Before You Toss or Go (#CBYTOG)

on Sun, 07/22/2018 - 17:17

Likely many can relate to that kind of 'for some strange reason things going awry'. I hope you get them back. Maybe take time and think about the titles and such and some could be replaced (not quite the same but still keeping the legacy of interests and allowing yourself to start a collection likely many would gladly help you replenish.)

All the best...I had a dream someone had nixed much of their stuff only to find out someone was trying to do just that.


on Sun, 07/22/2018 - 17:08

#CheckWithOwnerOrParentBeforeTossingOrGoing-CWOOPBTOG is the full title of this post.

Hello Everybuddy in the Big World both cyber and 3-D. This post started about Stuff, important earthly things we don't want to lose by mistake due to someone giving them away or throwing them out by mistake. Think that's not likely to happen? Too many sad tales and lost goods to count even among your friends and family if you but ask. 

So to Prevent That kind of calamity, here's a post I shared on the NW Chatter...I wrote a long response, only to lose It by mistake.. Okay, so the idea was to promote 'Check

Sharing a Lot on Northwest Corner Chatter..and Now With You, About Crafting Clear Safety PLANS and Remembering Kaelan, our late teen son (1993-2009)

on Sun, 07/22/2018 - 16:37

Thinking of Summer Safety and Remembering the Legacy of the Love and Friendship of Youth and our Communities.. We all play singular roles in keeping the good times flowing and being there for one another when life takes strange twists and turns. I have a Housatonic Song that may be on my blog, I'll put it up soon to help celebrate Railroad Days and Community Networking.

I welcome others being in touch to create more efforts along these lines here and in our country and world at large.
