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livfully's blog

Decline of Schools in Small Communities in CT youtube video link 2017

on Mon, 11/13/2017 - 05:09 is the link to learn about one small town's problem. One speaker called it 'the canary in the coal mine.' I have noted the overall decline in population in CT and our small towns for many years. I likely have an letter I wrote and shared with friends about 'the leavers'..reasons people leaves, who they are..if they can circle back for visits or longer. Now I've become a "leaver" in large part, for a year or so mainly being away...but with enough time back I feel I can pretty much keep track of things.

Big Ideas to Revive schools in Small Towns in CT and Around the Country

on Mon, 11/13/2017 - 04:50
After watching a short video about declining school enrollment on a local FB page, I responded as follows. I will post the video on another post so people can share that more readily...
I think I've brainstormed on we could have regular meetings on a FB page dedicated to This Topic, not only this location (Kellogg in Falls Village CT.)
Jenny Law mentioned the importance of looking up micro schools and a growing trend to build relationships. I feel fortunate to have attended Kellogg School in the late 1960s and through the 1970s, K-8.
The late Howard Reed was

Part One of Kudos to Small Towns and Big Towns Having Quality Leadership and Plans for Safety for All (that's an added wish)

on Sun, 11/12/2017 - 05:01

 I appreciate everyone keeping all the small towns in CT and the other towns, large and small in every state, going strong when the challenges for making a living and coordinating services seem to go up with fewer 'younger people' (adults under 50 or 40) and students for the schools.

I have reac
hed 80K people with posts about the area (about 40K on the Remembering Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton post) which offers many important ideas about Keeping People Safe On All Levels, even in their Homes and Relationships, even in court and custody situations.

I realize that's nothing 'local government'

Small Towns and Big Towns Could Learn More About Safety for US All

on Sun, 11/12/2017 - 04:58
Part 2 of a blog post regarding election results in a small town in CT...
I really did intend to keep the positive theme going...and encourage people to think of ways to invite lots of nice folks up from Brooklyn NY where there are ton of cool people..Day visits or longer, sister schools or however we could work it out. I would like to see the NW Corner and SW part of MA feel more connected to NYC.
Plenty of college kids discover the area and though pricey to live in, it's a great place to visit..thus making friends and alliances Could be a win-win., Bright Line Eating, How NOT to Die (book) and more online interesting healthy eating ideas online

on Sat, 11/11/2017 - 17:36

Who has hasn't heard of Ocean Robbins and his dad John who was part of the Baskin Robbins Icecream enterprise? Ocean and his tribe is offering programs to promote healthy eating through free power hours (which play for limited times) and more comprehensive online programs. Some ideas I've read in the comments section is that 'not all oils are healthy for one'...they can block the production of nitric oxide.

Maybe even coconut and olive oil are in the troubling realm, even though there are plenty of other studies would say 'cold-pressed oils (not heated) organic are okay if not helpful...'
