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From 10 years ago to Today on FB, How Are Things Developing In Your Life and Community? Got Help When You Need It? Let's Make That So!

on Tue, 02/15/2022 - 16:00
A post I shared a decade ago on FB... what was your life back then and what's it like now (and what might it be in the next decade... for you, yours and your community.)
Has everybuddy wished everybuddy else a Happy Valentine's Day? Thanks if you did, and this can cover anyone who wanted to but didn' economical cyberhug with good wishes for all to feel mellow and loved in that ol'-fashioned "I'm thinking about you..and you and you" way..I come from a humongo family, so the 'one is all and all is one' is the frequency I was tuned into as a number 10 child...I
Of course, thought a lot about our late teen son Kaelan and my other kids and the many blessings I've had..including that I got married the day before Valentine's 24 years ago, with a blizzard of planning for a month and then a real snowstorm and 250 folks of the 500 invited showing up..Good thing I was up for anything. The potluck worked out nicely and everybuddy had a good time.
So, even though I'm not married for a few years, I feel I've learned a tree-mend-us amount about our culture, the courts, custody battles that no one ever hears about in the news but should (see mothers custody conference and the many sites I've listed here to send an SOS out for the many Moms (and Any Others of Any Gender, Role or Economic Group or Country...) and Kids truly trapped and/ or homeless due to mismanaged separations or a lack of warning and support in times of trouble).
I want the next generation to learn from the mistakes and lack of understanding our generation had about so many family law issues..Most are wiser, but times are tougher and folks over 30 seldom know how to Dare to Care about others in difficult situations.
We have to make it a cool, clear PLAN to keep kids and adults safe, and that means Knowing what to do Early on with Warning Signs of Instability, Threats and Low Income Stress...
Let me know soon if you want to be on an Angel Moves Team to help people in need...I know a few folks needing H-E-L-P for things like moving, childcare, rides, yardwork or other projects that they need to have some support with and yes, money helps too..small donations add up, tag sale items for the spring, etc.
Let's share how we help others so we can understand what's really happening in our names, just the idea that It's OK to ask for Help and Receive it..Ok, gotta drum! Cheers!