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Looking At the Last Decade and The Next with More Help for All

From 10 years ago to Today on FB, How Are Things Developing In Your Life and Community? Got Help When You Need It? Let's Make That So!

on Tue, 02/15/2022 - 16:00
A post I shared a decade ago on FB... what was your life back then and what's it like now (and what might it be in the next decade... for you, yours and your community.)
Has everybuddy wished everybuddy else a Happy Valentine's Day? Thanks if you did, and this can cover anyone who wanted to but didn' economical cyberhug with good wishes for all to feel mellow and loved in that ol'-fashioned "I'm thinking about you..and you and you" way..I come from a humongo family, so the 'one is all and all is one' is the frequency I was tuned into as a number 10 child...I
Of course, thought a lot about