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A Blog to Believe In when most are running the other way: Dare to Care and Share, capiche?

on Wed, 02/03/2021 - 16:33
 I realize I go 'out of bounds' by talking to each person way beyond their interest or time availability..but in writing, how hard can that be for someone to 'table for another time' especially if bridging gaps is key to preventing or addressing major problems. Each piece of a person's life has to be tended to and most need a team of support. If someone becomes incapacitated in one way or another, that should not throw their train or life off the track or create a major hurdle to cross alone. So here's a note I wrote about that... to the idea of all in a town, state and country having more direct access to practical support and ways to use programs or figure out other options. Most know about or in NYC that's  or dialing 211 or 311 in NYC. I saw a need for those systems early on and much more before the internet...and thankfully we have a ton of info, now we need to know how to use it in a timely way with a team effort for each and every person who is in need or May Become In Need...
The more people who know the better... especially in school or faith groups, other 'clubs and associations' and in very small towns or even bigger ones (which more cities are acknowledging work better if based on smaller components with social workers, faith groups and many volunteer- and supervised outreaches to create meaningful networks.) 
The more systems and people who know about basics, The Better...and by the way  many small towns and neighborhoods via gentrification or other pressures are almost on the brink of being non-existent in terms of if codes change and we can't keep up with state mandates, don't have kids for a school or who knows what else... oh yeah, elderly are more at risk than they already are to be summarily put in nursing homes when it simply is not needed.... 
The idea of sharing more info widely is what may save our ship...and that person may actually understand a bit more than most. But it's helpful to remember it's going to take a lot of 'new thinkers and listeners' mapping out a lot of plans to help one another get on board with 'the new normal'...and many will be turning away (until mandates come closer to their kin or friends etc...)
 Okay no worries, I was inspired by the last set of letters...and hope everyone's doing well. I am really hoping more families, friends and communities  will get support  to help make timely good decisions for those facing illness, longterm care support and healthcare needs and much more, especially with elder law, medicare and medicaid matters, and estate planning etc....Best, Catherine 
 PS Basics about budgeting for required costs for housing, upkeep, insurances, taxes and many other basics would be a big plus to help everyone know about how to plan for affording timely payments or full pay, getting loans or using no interest credit cards when those are available (and again plans to pay things as other funds come in or business is started or rooms or homes are rented out and so forth.)
Programs like NY state's CDPAP should be a model for others and awareness of laws and terms for qualifying for homecare coverage in NY vs CT should be at the top of every faith and community's list to see if a person may be able to 'afford to stay in the community' longer in one state vs another...and those options are quickly 'closing up' but may make a big difference for some to think about right about now or in the near future...with their own online research and calls for consults with attorneys and advocacy groups (who seem in few number just when they are most needed...)
Best to all to KEEP ASKING Questions and PURSUING INFORMATION and SHARING IT WIDELY. There is essentially no free exchange of ideas so everyone needs to step up their own research and advocacy about practical matters in life...
Thanks in advance for daring to care and share info and time to help someone else down the line but watch out for liabiilty issues and phrase things as questions and what if situations with fake names, don't give out personal info and lots of other tips I've shared here on many brave reading but few muster a way to emulate especially if over 50 years old. So younger folks should be extra ready to learn and figure out ways to manage our world and times, and please keep an eye out for youth, the poor, the elderly and others in general../thanks a bundle!

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