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"As goes NY, so might the US of America, so VOTE TODAY on April 19th, Tuesday in NY!!"

on Tue, 04/19/2016 - 12:08

It's important to take stock of critical moments in history or herstory or ourstory..and TUESDDAY, APRIL 19th, 2016 is one of those HUGE DAYS. Do some online research ( had some for and against points to consider for each candidate, Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton.

With Bernie's 'revolutionary approach which has drawn 7 million to donate 27 dollars on average' compared to Hillary's mega fundraisers with hundreds of thousands if not millions in donations, well the voice of the people versus the big bucks of the country is playing out. While not big into politics, people I know and read and respect are behind Bernie.

The Democratic party seems one 'of the people, by the people, for the people'. Somehow the Republican party seems all of that for the corporations and those making enough money to not need help for health insurance, food, housing or family planning. Did I miss something or does that resonate with basic reality? The huge imbalance of the haves and have nots has got to even out for everyone's sanity and safety.

Part of the Revolution of Involvenemt is that People are Feeling Empowered. However the election goes today, which could well be the way the national election goes, we must not lose that sense of collective determination and follow through to see a better day

May the good forces be with US All as we continue our journey as leaders in the world, especially for women and children and good guys too. Let's not be played any longer by the fear and greed which leaves the masses deprived and the elite handful of world controllers even more depraved of a spiritual healing than they already are suffering from.

The light of love and decency can reignite our enthusiasm for this great experiment and miracle called LIFE! May we all have a connection and sense of direction that is in sync with this vision and to the extent one is comfortable with the notion, the loving divine realm as well.

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