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Hillary Clinton

The First Woman President of the United States of A-Miracle, Nov. 8th, 2016!

on Sat, 09/17/2016 - 17:21

Let’s put Hillary on Capitol Hill!

Hello from CT and NYC from a blogger and Mompreneur (A Mom whose always learning and doing a little outreach too). I am thinking of reaching people across the country Before the Presidential Election to help Hillary and other Democrats get elected, since CT State Representative Elizabeth Esty shared the critical need to do so at a lovely get-together in scenic Salisbury CT in early September 2016.

My free blog has been plugging along with sharing of both challenges like losing our teen son Kaelan Paton (‘93-’09)in a river episode and

"As goes NY, so might the US of America, so VOTE TODAY on April 19th, Tuesday in NY!!"

on Tue, 04/19/2016 - 12:08

It's important to take stock of critical moments in history or herstory or ourstory..and TUESDDAY, APRIL 19th, 2016 is one of those HUGE DAYS. Do some online research ( had some for and against points to consider for each candidate, Bernie Sanders or Hillary Clinton.

With Bernie's 'revolutionary approach which has drawn 7 million to donate 27 dollars on average' compared to Hillary's mega fundraisers with hundreds of thousands if not millions in donations, well the voice of the people versus the big bucks of the country is playing out.

Tennis Anyone? How About Politics as in "The Battle of NY" for the Democratic Presidential Candidate...Bernie or Hillary, Case made for BERNIE SANDERS. Vote TUESDAY, April 19th, 2016 from 6am to 9pm.

on Sat, 04/16/2016 - 17:10

A Special Newspaper Flyer has been printed up to Clarify Key Factors about the Democratic Contest for the Presidential Candidate in the NY Primary on April 19th, 2016. The media has not given fair coverage, The Battle of New York flyer declares. The NY Times is endorsing Hillary Clinton...and so have I in many respects from over the years and in this campaign.

My hope as many have held that Bernie would not throw the election to the Republicans as Ralph Nader's unfortunate run for Presidency may have done.