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Healing and Helpful Ideas, plus quick overview on Jesus as healer

on Tue, 08/02/2016 - 17:09

As with many posts, this flows like a river of ideas so works well to view in this link from Google Documents.Explore using that with a librian or other trusty friend at a library, just for safety and support. Here's to your health and wellness on all levels.These are all my opinions and summaries so do not take as advice or gospel, thanks.

One point I didn't have time to make is that unfortunately as the late Mr. Ambery of Falls Village Ct wrote in The Voice newspaper (no longer in print but maybe online?), religion has been the cause of major conflicts and killings over the centuries. The main points of disagreement it seems among the Jews and Christians is whether Jesus was the long awaited messenger or Messiah from G-d. Jews do not believe that was the case; Christians supposedly do, some more than others.

Among Christians, the main point of contention is whether Jesus was the one and only Son of G-d (with no earthly siblings from Mary and Joseph), whether Mary should be prayed to or not, and whether Jesus was equal to G-d in terms of being G-d Incarnate. I forego using the letter "o" in G-d to respect the Jewish belief that the name of G-d is too holy to write out in full (particularly on paper which may be thrown away and lost track of.)

The communion in the Christian faiths is either considered the 'actual incarnation of Christ's body and blood' such as by Catholics (and I believe Orthodox Christians) versus most other sects which believe the host or communion bread and juice (or wine) Represents the body and blood of Jesus Christ.

The life-saving (soul saving) ability of Jesus by receiving the Holy Spirit in baptism (either as an infant or an adult, again depending on the sect), by confessing Him to be one's savior and by asking forgiveness for one's sins and receiving the grace and healing from the Trinity (G-d the Father, Son, and Holy Spirit).

Some believe that those three entities are not 'one and  the same' but rather three distinct important aspects of God, more like a three-legged stool analogy.  Modern dates are based on the life of Jesus (BC meaning Before Christ and AD After the Death of Jesus Christ). Jesus became 'the Christ' after being baptized by John the Baptizer or Baptist.

The huge chasm of difference with the Jewish and Christian faiths is that during World War II, Hitler undertook eliminating millions of Jews and too many Christians did not do enough to protest this atrocity.

The Jews were forever held accountable for 'the death of Jesus' which occurred 2000 years ago. At the time , Rome ruled over the Jewish people. During their time of Passover which recognized the time when the Jews were set free from 400 years of slavery in Egypt, they were allowed to have a person freed from cruxification.

After a crowd of Jews held Jesus in contempt for claiming to be on equal footing with G-d the Father and Creator, Jesus was crucified and not freed when there was that chance. Only recently has the Catholic Pope said that people should not try to convert Jews to Christianity. Derek Prince Ministries of NC in the USA and many other Christian groups have looked to the conversion of the Jews to accepting Christ as the key to unlock more of G-d's promises.

There is huge backing of Israel due to the Holy Land of Jerusalem being there as well as its location as an important political and geographical resource. The Jews were given Israel on May 14th, 1948 for the harm they suffered as a people in Germany in World War II.

The Palenstinian people were displaced and forced out of what they considered their homeland to other parts of Israel. I am no expert and so all of this is a summary to help more people consider the main points of history and the many ways the name of Jesus has been used politically as well as spiritually to mean many different things.

 Muslims also have a strong presence in Jerusalem with many aspects of the Old Testament figuring into their religion as well as some of the key landmarks in the Holy Land.Keeping the peace in the Holy Land is of critical importance for all the Jewish people, the Palestinians, Muslims and Christians as well as the rest of the world.

The late Derek Prince as a religious scholar and Christian believed strongly that the real peace would come only when more of the Holy Land accepted Jesus as Savior. He felt the fate of the world depended on this conversion. It would not hurt if more leaders could realistically think through what Christianity might really mean for men, women and children and people at each age and stage of life.

Might there be ways to give people some 'time off' to think about how they are doing in terms of being in a safe, sensible not too stressful living situation with another person, mainly their spouse but also other family members or friends one may feel beholden to? Why not sketch out some basic care plans for all to feel connected and cared for but not at the expense of one or more people having to care or pay for the others? Universal health care would be a godsend but again, paying for it reasonably needs clarification. Same goes with housing, food, rides and education and work opportunities and other key aspects of living.

The Great Schism in the Catholic and Orthodox Church occurred around 1000 AD, when the Pope in Rome was no longer recognized by the Orthodox Church since that was a new location.

Much persecution in Europe as described in The Burning Times resulted in the loss of many women who worked as midwives, healers and who were widows or otherwise vulnerable to the mandates of a strict Catholic or Christian edict.

Much of the trouble seemed linked to the creation of medical schools which only men could attend. At the same time sugar was introduced and many illnesses claimed lives. Women were left behind and for centuries before and after have had to suffer as second class citizens as did many people of color.

They did not have  the right to own property, go to school or to vote. That trend still persists today for many people when modern times allow for more equitable treatment. How might we each work to remedy some of the many debilitating legacies and lack of public education about laws and other practices all are supposed to follow lest they be found guilty of breaking the law.

Now with a growing awareness of quantum field theory, string theory, and many ideas about how the world and universe is organized and empowered how might we inspire more people to feel capable of benefitting from what we all have to offer one another and to live sustainably on the planet.

Each organized group, state and country can take time to revise their practices to line up with 'best practices' and find ways to help heal from past misconceptions or wrongdoing. Together we can transform society to give everyone respect and reasonable options to make their way in the world with support and assurance of basic living needs and peaceful living.


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