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Looking back over the last few decades (yes 30 Years)--It Went By In Unexpected but Remarkable Ways..

on Mon, 02/13/2017 - 17:02

Looking over the memories on FB is helpful... and on the date 29 years after being married (Feb 13th) and having four kids (plus 5 miscarriages who I named and do count in as spiritual helpers for our crew and hopefully we served some purpose for them as well)...a whole new field of inquiry could allow more healing on one of those common but not much discussed areas..I will reflect more on the theories I've heard on and how some things played out for me.

One point was that after three miscarriage after our first lovely healthy child, I was worried I couldn't have any more... yet

Healing and Helpful Ideas, plus quick overview on Jesus as healer

on Tue, 08/02/2016 - 17:09

As with many posts, this flows like a river of ideas so works well to view in this link from Google Documents.Explore using that with a librian or other trusty friend at a library, just for safety and support. Here's to your health and wellness on all levels.These are all my opinions and summaries so do not take as advice or gospel, thanks.

One point I didn't have time to make is that unfortunately as the late Mr.

Equal Right to Marry Exciting (Yet that Also Means Equal Right to Abuse, Divorce and Other not so great stuff about Marriage)

on Sat, 06/27/2015 - 20:32

Originally thinking this out on Facebook but likely it did not post, so I copied and pasted..Sometimes a virus of sorts makes the post repeat, so I tried to edit and hope I did not cut out too much (hardly possible yet there are a ton of points to consider since the days of the 1980s when I started thinking about these topics, which was when 'coming out of the closet' was a big deal as was AIDS..and in vitro was a vague idea whereas now it will be more affordable to people as is the Plan B pill.