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"Out-there" ideas Gems of Inspirit-ation for our Nation on site (for Veterans, Moms, Dads, Adults, and Kids too)

on Wed, 11/12/2014 - 15:27

Sometimes we forget to acknowledge the helpers along the way whether in person or print or online. I want to highlight a great resource for US-All and all countries on This morning I took an hour to share some articles from the May 2012 issue about Love and World Peace. See and the tips about the year 2032 being one of Golden Transformation for our world. More people are shifting in their understanding of be being a caring, global citizen who balances their basic needs with not only those of others but with our plan-it earth as well and a sense of being a spiritual being here on a mortal journey.

The array of resources can seem hidden in a dessert until one starts opening up to possibilities about the IF in life..What IF we are really amazing beings housed in flesh and bone? What IF we have lived before not only here many times but even in other parts of the galaxy? What IF we could say 'been there, done that' about not only goin to Mars but to other stars and planets and to the sun itself..and back again. Ideas from Rudolf Steiner offer that is what we Each do every lifetime..

.Now  why not consider that even a grain of truth of that is mixed in with the more science and school-based teachings that 'we really don't know why we are here or how we got here..and we hardly know where we are going so don't ask too many questions until we've figured out the 'spark of life' or smallest particle of matter on the planet?

The shows on TV about UFOs, aliens and pyramids all point to ideas explored by Nassim Haramein on and many other circles of history and wisdom (there's that word again) as well as religions, which include many ideas about Jesus being an entity much like G-d Incarnate if not very close to that to allow us to dream a little outside of our human animal selves...and be invited into a sense of connectivity, love, forgiveness, healing and miracles...With such powerful gifts for all, it's no wonder we seem to have done more killing than helping in the name of any being, sadly including Jesus. For as many I can speak for on this most heartbreaking note, our deepest apologies, which hopefully can be followed with more loving kindness in growing circles of healing and helping one and all, near and far...

Just when it may seem safe to believe and trust in the Lord and other kind-hearted ways of living, the Laws of the Land/ Corporations and Dogma seem to be ready to swipe kids away from parents and even drive parents apart in the name of earning a living. That goes for most adults as well. Zoning often keeps more than immediate family from legally living together and again, when children are in residence the laws become more strict still.

The overall idea of having 'intentional communities and shared living' arrangements for groups of people who need a roof over their heads has not been well-explored. Camping out may be the next best thing to homelessness, which again one advocate has redefined as 'houselessness' (google that term and     his blog should come up). As the old ways fall away because 'they just don't work as well or create more problems than they solve, then new ideas can take root...

"This is a recurring theme which people likely could do more exploring about these ideas for a month for Ten Minutes a Day (and yes, there's a program to check out and join if you'd like--let them know I sent you and that could help me keep up with basic bills too, and refer others for some profit-sharing). Okay, so that's called I think (or google it).

The online webinar starts Nov 17, 2014, so spread the word asap...and with that I'll do more appreciating as I ponder this time of year having watched some moving tributes to Veterans (but wouldn't it be nice if we worked just as hard at Preventing Wars and Conflicts within ourselves ,our families, our homes, our towns, our schools, our faith groups, and so many other areas in wider circles?

That's the jist of the 2032 message and the healing of self-acceptance and mutual respect in many programs...there is a Safe Way to address oneself and others (and a hint here is that it's likely NOT best to go directly to the other person but rather to have a mediator talk on the phone or in some e-mails...with some guidelines about limits to confidentiality so no one gets arrested down the road for language or TOV (tone of voice) and so on, and talk of hurting anyone or pets, etc) This basic check point would be useful to review in all self-help and 12-step programs where confidentiality is desired but again, given the legal limits of our times, not always able to be kept in place via subpoenas and what not..

.Thanks for considering this in the spirit it is shared...I am in a hurry at this point but hope to find more time to explore an idea of 'The Day I Almost Fell Off The Earth" (yes, which harkens to the day recounted in the post Remembering Kaelan Paton which is about the day I found out our teen son had died suddenly when facing great danger but trying to save someone, who thankfully was rescued moments after out son's sudden exit from the mortal plane but who I believe lives on in many ways and is a guiding light to many far and wide..peace to all here and on the other great shore and thanks for the Big Love both here and from above.)

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