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Rudolf Steiner

Who Might Have Been on Westminster Bridge at that 'fateful time' but had plans taking them St. Elsewhere? See more ideas about Why our lives may take twists and turns...

on Fri, 03/24/2017 - 14:38

Someone in America had a friend whose a professor who was supposed to be at the Westminster Bridge when a bit of hell broke loose a few days ago. He was invited to tea and took that offer up so was out of dodge elsewhere in London. Along with the many formal dignitaries and important support offered by the world, many 'regular people' in the world feel the ripples of upset and worry that such a difficult situation brings to those whose lives were injured and ended.

Sincere condolences and a moment of silence here on the Livfully circle to remember and honor the lives of those taken as

The Days After Someone Heads to Heaven is a special time to help them (and us) on their journey or final resting place

on Thu, 08/04/2016 - 21:22

On a more practical note in terms of thinking of loved ones near their time of dying or actual passing, the book Living Into Dying by Nancy Jewel Poer is at the Falls Village CT Hunt Library. The ideas offered there resonate with Rudolf Steiner teachings to take a few days to think about the person (even reading silently as though the person were near and could hear). I would like to develop an easy way for people to sign up for such a project. 

Likely each person could feel some solace by 'sitting vigil in a positive mindset' while 'connecting' with the person who may be on another leg of a

Living Into Dying by Nancy Jewel Poer a Real Gem and Help for Threshold Work of Transition (and first Few Days after a person Dies)

on Mon, 11/16/2015 - 21:51

Of all the things we have in common such as being born, there's the other side of the rainbow, called 'dying or crossing the threshold'..and being dead for a few days. What difference might a few days make, many may wonder?

The theory of Rudolf Steiner as covered with stories by someone who actually experienced caring for the dead over many years, indicates there may be a three to three and a half day transition period After one has died.

During that time one's etheric body returns to another realm and one's life force energy blends with the world and nature.

Circus Thrills in Great Barrington MA to restore Fairgrounds with Volunteers

on Sun, 07/19/2015 - 13:27

Treat you and yours to a remarkable 'old-school' Italian 'International Family' Circus with a horse whose rider jumps over a flaming stick while standing on running horse's back! Sunday July 19th, 2015 marks the final two shows so look up for 15% off tix and enjoy the pre-show even if you can't afford more than the 5 bucks to park.

"Out-there" ideas Gems of Inspirit-ation for our Nation on site (for Veterans, Moms, Dads, Adults, and Kids too)

on Wed, 11/12/2014 - 15:27

Sometimes we forget to acknowledge the helpers along the way whether in person or print or online. I want to highlight a great resource for US-All and all countries on This morning I took an hour to share some articles from the May 2012 issue about Love and World Peace. See and the tips about the year 2032 being one of Golden Transformation for our world.