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Remembering Every Buddy On Special Occasions and Daily...

on Tue, 05/31/2016 - 14:50
Thanks for all your hard work with others at this time of Memorial Day 2016 and many projects for years now from politics locally and on the state level to important outreach about difficult topics such as opiate addiction, Brian Ohler and friends. This thread on FB Northwest Corner Chatter along with the earlier announcements about the Memorial Day events happening on the radio, in the newspaper and elsewhere give people time to reflect even if they did not have a way to attend the services. ( I shared this on the Northwest Corner Chatter FB page, which is a closed group of 3K or so. Some of this recopied so I will review later. Sorry for inconvenience, but just stop after first time thru...or not as you choose to reflect.)
Think of this post like the baseball game with 9 innings between the Yankees and Red Sox who likely could do more to get these message out of the park (and out of Park where they linger silently) than one activist here and there.
Let's get Ralph Nader in on this cause, and Roberta Willis and Senators far and wide. We can Prevent great cost and harm to society with The Quincy Solution by Barry Goldstein. He has helped a few areas turn their policies on domestic violence around to help save lives, but sadly many had already been lost.
So let's remember all victims of domestic abuse and those who have lost their children to abusers or their lives (or both) in the name of the unspoken epidemic. A moment of silence or shouting, as you feel led and it's safe to do so, amen.
Many people work and care for each in important ways to keep our communities functioning and fun. The Lakeville Journal and other papers do a great job keeping everyone informed (especially with the Town and Villages issue which I may have helped inspire in my request for a convenient way to have numbers handy when many were not savvy with the internet.
They've had issues on Volunteers which was another request I had made. I share that because often we do have good ideas but we need to plant them with the right folks to help spread the word. The media can be helpful in this way.
It doesn't hurt to know a few folks personally or have a friend make some outreach efforts to bridge gaps and be efficient. This forum is great in so many ways, and maybe a second one is needed, even one for guys and one for gals, one with a kid focus (yes, boys and girls and one for both.)
While that may seem like taking a step back in time, the current laws and challenges we face likely could be cut in half IF we even tried that for a week or more..
I will write more about that on my blog but with an 80 Million Dollar court house opening in Torrington, it's clear the state feels crime, divorce, custody, wills and estates, landlord-tenant issues and evictions, debt collection and such is a Booming business.
A quick tip is that some divorce issues might see more progress if there is crime and it is addressed as such in that court (yes, protective and restaining order kind of things which can be a drag but may be Necessary if one is being abused and needs That to be the Primary Focus not a footnote during a custody battle.
See Barry Goldstein's site .net for key information that can help keep women and kids safe and really, alive, if it's moved into that dangerous realm (which can happen in sporadic ways, not always with big warnings, but even talk of divorce can be a red flag of danger so don't even mention it if you are a victim trying to get out.) See more on the Livfully Blog.
Don't feel you are alone (even if you go to DV places, they can only tell you so much and nothing about court practically...) Everyone needs to know there IS a WAr Going on in Family Courts, Divorce and Custody Courts and even CPS , Child Protective Services, and its Not only between two adults over personal issues!!
There are huge imbalances, millions in funding to practically reward the wrong strategies and keep women and children held hostage, kept apart or Worse.. See the work of Cindy Dumas (Wake Up Women, The Women's Coalition, and CA Protective Parents and Safe Kids International) and Lundy Bancroft who is offering an online tutorial on his book Why Does He DO That? for 50 bucks.
Okay, don't mean to get too real, but the whole point of wars is to try not to have them. Until we see the problem we are not likely to know it takes time to understand it reasonably and comprehend the options (limited as they may be or tough as they are to accept in terms of new boundaries, not seeing a spouse or even one's children whether right or wrong. A difficult but timely story to learn about is Elsa Newman's devastating turn of events when trying to protect her children from serious concerns.
She ended up going to jail for over a decade, being blamed for another's wrongdoing which was also trying to find out if two young boys were being molested. Elsa was charged with falsely alleging that was the case when there were valid concerns from the boys themselves. The father was found in a very compromising position when the godmother snuck into his home when the boys were there to protect them or find evidence of wrongdoing.
Things went from bad to worse, and that's where the story begins for the justice system and others to be exposed for their actions that never gave the boys protection or support for their protective mother. She could use practical support now in the NYC area for housing and basic living expenses. She should be recognized as a national heroine for all mothers and others who care about children.
Look for a group to start soon toward this end. We cannot wait patiently for 'society' or 'groups that already are supposedly looking to meet such needs' to extend help to people like Elsa who fall out of their service area. Maybe there is a group to help her. and that would be great to know about in the Comments or sending word to me at Thanks for your concern and possible donation or fundraising effort to her cause.
Abusers can feel they are being mistreated so that speaks to the depth of unfairness and change that dances in the midst of madness when the damage is being done.
That's why learning to be clear with a Team of Support about Any Relationship, Any Kind of Living Situation among housemates, roommates (yes, even at college, etc) and neighbors and friends needs our urgent attention. Once laws are broken or even allegedly broken 'all hell can break loose'.
The idea of police needing recording devices did not happen overnight. Many on both sides of the equation paint the picture that conflict factors into 'unintended consequcnces'. Of people being hurt or killed, put in jail or arrested.
That's where everyone needs to get on the same page. No more disorderly conduct, even in one's own home if others are there..that means no yelling or put-downs, no throwing things or holes in the wall or phones ripped out (those would be landlines, but no TV throwing or other destruction of clothing or personal items either. No burning stuff of another person or their house, etc.
All of which has happened locally and across the nation Without People being informed that these were forms and outplayings of abuse among 'family or friends..' often times. Now back to the pleasantries with all due respect for the efforts made across the land for peace and reflection of the meaning of what soldiers, their families and the whole of communities can do and aspire to do in the future.
We had a nice indoor gathering in Sharon at the school. Former selectman Robert (Bob) Loucks oversaw the ceremony for his 29th year and is looking for a successor.
Many Thanks to Bob Loucks for his tremendous care and professional sense of remembering those who fought and those who have died, and others who have served or are currently serving (and will serve) in the efforts to protect our country and the honorable values for which is stands.
Big shoes to fill since he's a huge part of the successful enacting of both parade, memorial gathering time with guest speakers usually to introduce and other remembrances made.
Yet a creative blend of people and groups soaking to the importance of our shared values and national heritage, hard fought for and hopefully not as needed in current times if diplomacy can do more of our negotiating.
Songs and benedictions have highlighted the humanity of both the common soldier,those known and even those on the other side likely fighting due to duty and short term gain rather than from the higher perspective of being able to collaborate and allow everyone a piece of the pie.
A lively WWII veteran Bud Pitcher was recognized for his 70 years of VFW membership.
At 99 years of age (officially on Sept 2nd, 2016) ( but even older for his experiences and especially if counting his time of growth in his mother's belly which any of us might take time to ponder it's importance),he received his certificate to a standing ovation from the hundred or so folks in attendance.
That's the kind of dance anyone can count fortunate to be part of during such a gathering,which happened in many towns throughout the land and big cities too.
Whether with parades,antique cars,civic and faith groups, sports and school groups and music,or more humble gatherings,each is a candle lighting tone in our hearts and communities which carried us through the more challenging times of our lives.
Connecting the dots and the dot.coms so we feel held and cared for at our own budding as well as being part of the think tanks for the next guy or gal who might need our wisdom is part of the unfolding growth of such efforts on a daily,weekly,monthly,or annually or other time basis.
Like petals opening on flowers in a garden to create beauty and attract bees and butterflies, we too are each growing in our understanding of our place in our garden of networks. People depend on us and we on them.
Many times that's how people make their living,caring for one another. Other times,unfortunately more than necessary,people earn their living helping others in crisis which could likely have been avoided.
Such is the case when people speed or cause an accident by being impaired with drugs,anger,too tired or driving needlessly in bad weather or when not feeling well or having a fight (or many if the above at one time and not really being Aware of the danger or Risk to themselves,others,rescuers and pets and property.)
I have given much if this a lot of consideration for our collective benefit locally and nationally with the passing of our teen son Kaelan A. Palmer Paton almost seven years ago.
Some recall his drowning when trying to rescue a third friend from below the Falls in the NW Corner of CT in a turn of events that Should Not Have been approved by the parents or any adults aware of the group's plans to go hang out 'by the falls or fast river'.
Clear signage needs to be put in place by both townships one lifeguard told me would be in keeping with best practices and maybe mandates. I would appreciate people messaging me to help create practical outreaches to promote safety guidelines among responsible parents,adults,schools and others.
I have many ideas On my Livfully blog but putting ideas into practice time takes folks of all ages. Thanks for tuning in as you can. or more..
Some recall his drowning when trying to rescue a third friend from below the Falls in the NW Corner of CT in a turn of events that Should Not Have been more about that on my blog.
With an 80 Million Dollar court house opening in Torrington, it's clear the state feels crime, divorce, custody, wills and estates, landlord-tenant issues and evictions, debt collection and such is a Booming business.
ho is offering an online tutorial on his book Why Does He DO That? for 50 bucks.
Okay, don't mean to get too real, but the whole point of wars is to try not to have them. Until we see the problem we are not likely to know it takes time to understand it reasonably and comprehend the options (limited as they may be or tough as they are to accept in terms of new boundaries, not seeing a spouse or even one's children whether right or wrong.
Abusers can feel they are being mistreated so that speaks to the depth of unfairness and change that dances in the midst of madness when the damage is being done.
That's why learning to be clear with a Team of Support about Any Relationship, Any Kind of Living Situation among housemates, roommates (yes, even at college, etc) and neighbors and friends needs our urgent attention. Once laws are broken or even allegedly broken 'all hell can break loose'.
The idea of police needing recording devices did not happen overnight. Many on both sides of the equation paint the picture that conflict factors into 'unintended consequcnces'. Of people being hurt or killed, put in jail or arrested.
That's where everyone needs to get on the same page. No more disorderly conduct, even in one's own home if others are there..that means no yelling or put-downs, no throwing or destroying stuff. Okay, sorry for the repeats.I'll review later.


Happy to be among the first to enjoy the  Salisbury CT Scoville Library's August 2016 highlight.

As the oldest  public library (with books bought in the late 1700s from England and the building built about 1895 but check) in the country located on Main Street inSalisbury CT,  the renovations that cost over a million dollars will serve many to come.

The new open spaces and lower  children's room will be welcoming many community members, programs and guest for decades with new pizzazz! Reading materials are now organized in themes with clear large lettering to hellp people find what they are looking for with ease.

These goals under the leadership of head librarian Claudia Cayne were achieved with much effort and many supporters.

Donations (of which 50 K is still needed for the main library) for a children's garden and new stones in the front of the library where a lovely colorful  metal form of a large wild cat .(lion,tiger or puma I'll have to check) entices people to look a little closer at this castle-like gray stone building of old.

Thanks to all who contributed from their deep pockets, their visions, their hard earnings and legacies.

A delightful grand re-opening with cakes with the the library's photo in the center, red and white ballloons and a giant pair of scissors used to cut the regal ribbon was enjoyed by folks of all ages, 6 months to 88 years young.

Be sure to stop in and enjoy the books, computers (which I am currently using to mark the moment on site), pet the goats or see the photos and appreciate the lovely orchids. The overall effect is that of being part of a Winning Team for US All! S great destination place with a quiet flowing brook in the background near shady trees which may whisper a word or two of inspiration as well.

As one of many who called this my first hometown, it's rather excitng to be on the cutting edge of its new growth.

Kudos and bells ringing for all the hard work and great success of this lofty venture and good times for many to come in these bright and spacious halls!

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