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Ruth Montgomery's A World Beyond from 1971 holds Wisdom for US-All about life, violence, making amends and moving forward lifetime to lifetime..

on Sun, 12/14/2014 - 19:18

The big IF in LIFE (think l"if"e_ is whether we have each lived before and will life again and IF there is Unifying Force, not unlike an amaze-in glue that actually holds US-All up and together. I couldn't get a few very intelligent open-minded people to think about that in the NYC area this weekend which was marked by a protest of 25K people to address concerns of police violence and use of deadly force without indictments in the two prominent cases of Michael Brown and Eric Garner in the US-All of a America in the past year.

Sadly this time of year, Dec 14th, marks the time of TANSH (Tragedy at Newtown, Sandy Hook)  which resulted in the  mortal deaths of 28 people, including 20 children and six school personnel at Sandy Hook, the named gunman and his mother Nancy whose mortal life ended at her home before the school violence. More outreach is being done by Moms Demand Action and other groups promoting Gun safety and regulation. The need for an overhaul of police and other authorities tactics for addressing concerns, conflicts and violence with as little force as needed and with very limited physical action or assault or weapons is needed. Some cities, schools, states and the country as a whole are stepping up to review matters in meaningful ways.

When tens of thousands of people are gathering that gets headlines and when traffic is stopped more attention is gained for that day, yet doing anything 'against the law' particularly of an aggressive, violent or destructive nature moves the message a few steps back and can spur new mandates and grounds for arrests and even danger or death. We all need to be aware of where we go and not only what our personal plans are but what we will be part of. I almost headed off to the major protests since I was in the general area. But I did not feel I knew enough about how to get there and what to do if things got out of control. I would have liked some others (even one) to fill me in and go with me. If I had more energy and awareness, I would have braved it...I think. That's a much bigger forum than I've ever been part of for a political issue (save Climate Change...).

Okay, so that said, I did spend the weekend in not only Manhattan but "Womanhattan' and shared that notion with many who were encouraged to think beyond labels and away we went...feel free to add a few ideas in the comments section. There was Humanhatten, Godhatten or SpiritHatten, Kidhatten, Babyhatten, Pethatten as in Doghatten and Cathatten but let's hear it for heaven's messengers Birdhatten (and of course, from books like A World Beyond) that's what we all are. I hope to summarize the points of that book conveyed by Ruth (as in Truth) Montgomery as she received the messages for 15 minutes each day for four months from a deceased Arthur Ford, a renowned medium who was recently in the spirit world, right after her crossed over on Jan 4th of 1971.

The overall messages he relayed were mighty inspiring and encouraging yet also forewarning for all do not only as one would like done but as would be done to one, since that may really be how the Golden Rule works. If you are not ready to take it, don't dish it out. That could stem much violence right there. Another thought I've had  and may be held by other 'out of the box thinkers' is that some of our loved ones as in family, friends and even others who come and go into our lives, may be 'willing to take the hit' or even 'do the damage' we've been 'thinking of' Watch those Thoughts! Saying one doesn't care if someone 'drops dead' may be calling up such a quick exit for one's loved ones or oneself. That is a Possible Option for some I've known and plenty of youth and other adults 'who do not want to consider the power of their thoughts and words or have been told by the modern world 'no one thing makes another thing happen just by saying it or even thinking it' may have said too little too late.

That does not bode well for people who have to play the role of the villain and such..but overall, the idea of what one really 'approves of message and meaningwise' can likely carry more weight than one really understood. Sadly or however the case may be, maybe the same holds true for any utterances and yes, even passing thoughts. Dreams may merit their own category and while I caught part of the Red Tent series about Dina, daughter of Jacob and sister of Joseph (the main role of The Amazing Technicolor Dream Coat based on that biblical story of being Jacob's favorite of 10 sons or so and thus spurned by his siblings and sold off and landingin jail). In both stories, Joseph was shown to be able to interpret dreams..some can be warning or guidance dreams, and this proved to be the case when Joseph revealed meanings which won him favor in the royal household. Most Biblical stories have important meanings for more people to consider even today.

My post will need to be wrapped up for now, and it's meant to spur some important inquiry not only into the politics and big issues we face collectively and even individually but also globally. I looked through The Sixth Extinction by Elizabeth Kolbert (who gave a talk I heard in our CT area and is covered in The Lakeville Journal and of course online). She says 'as the oceans go, so might other major parts of life on the planet', including human life. I really need to take time to look into that details, but between seeing Florida headlines mention significant ocean rising in the next few decades and again, the info on about climate change, however we live in these next few years and decades will be key to 'how things eke along or fall apart'. We need to feel politically and practically empowered.

With a spiritual view of the equality of all people who have lived many lifetimes and have many good supports on the spiritual side as well as with each other, we can feel all the more informed and capable. We really do need ongoing think tanks and addressing people respectfully in various humans, men, women, youth, seniors, with special needs, in good health, over various ages and stages of life (and likely with far less exposure to violence in the media, music and writings, etc but not for the purpose of book-banning but just to be more mindful that we are impacted by all of the former).  We could add to the mix healing modalities including prayer and meditation (such as Transcendental Meditation and outreaches such as on and overall, live, breath, dream and grow one day at a time with support and peace in heart, mind and soul..such as painted by on youtube and even These little lights to guide us as though landing lights at the airport can help US-All dream a new world into being for all beings on plan-it heath aka earth or pacha mama...and and more!

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