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Sandy Hook

As Soon As Many of US Heard About the "Shooting (Not Killing, thankfully) Done at Comet Pizza" we all had to pause and reflect..

on Sun, 12/11/2016 - 02:16

First off, sincere condolences to all fo the people affected directly by the incredibly dangerous actions of the gunman who wanted to take matters into his own hands by driving a few hundred miles and firing a gun in the pizza restaurant in DC that was at the center of allegations online of running a crime ring against minors.

If it hadn't been the rash of 'fake news' (though many are debating who is declaring what true or false still, and how will we know 'for sure' what's what), the person, a man in this case, likely would have hurt someone due to his perceptions and taking severe actions

Ruth Montgomery's A World Beyond from 1971 holds Wisdom for US-All about life, violence, making amends and moving forward lifetime to lifetime..

on Sun, 12/14/2014 - 19:18

The big IF in LIFE (think l"if"e_ is whether we have each lived before and will life again and IF there is Unifying Force, not unlike an amaze-in glue that actually holds US-All up and together. I couldn't get a few very intelligent open-minded people to think about that in the NYC area this weekend which was marked by a protest of 25K people to address concerns of police violence and use of deadly force without indictments in the two prominent cases of Michael Brown and Eric Garner in the US-All of a America in the past year.

Sadly this time of year, Dec 14th, marks the time of TANSH

Some Plain Hard Facts--We're Biased and Blinded by our Biases!

on Mon, 08/19/2013 - 12:42

The breaking news in a respectable Domestic Violence publication  is that professionals and the rest of us judge people with our personal bias, not by what we are trained to do when it comes to situations like Domestic Violence and Abuse. Who knew? Apparently, we tend to Blame the Victim, no matter how many times we are told that's not the way to protect her or her kids.

We think' she deserves it' or that 'no one helped women much in the past, why do These Women need help in these modern times?

When the Worst Happens, Again!

on Tue, 04/02/2013 - 05:05

 Reflecting on our teen son Kaelan Alexander Palmer Paton's passing during the time of Passover, Lent, Easter, and April 1st as a meaningful day of reincarnation in the Tibetan worldview has been on my mind this past week.

Sadly, in the midst of all that, another young man died in the same river as my son, not far away, at about 2 am not long ago.  A young man, let's call him Robert for some anonymity,  also was out with friends, having what was supposed to be a good time.

The full moon  earlier in the week likely got people thinking about the night being bright as day, and maybe a good