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When a Dad goes Bad, Let US-All heed the Warning and LEARN a lot!

on Thu, 08/22/2013 - 21:42

 A quick hello to say and both printed my Letter to the Editor on 'universal care' or 'many voices can lead to many cholces'.  Follow the headlines on our Principal Leaving just  a week before school, due in large part to ongoing tensions in the Region One Board and the 5th NO Vote for our 14 million dollar school budget that serves a high school of 400 and some services for 6 elementary schools.

Before that though, if  you are in TORRINGTON area Th Aug 29th,2013, check out the Fire Juggler / Eater on Main St at 8 pm..I truly hope safety precautions have been taken..and let US-All realize how Precious our Voices and Choices are in the country, who more of us could Sing About (or Shout About, with respect for the right to air differences of opinion, as I did in the Would You LIke to Work in Congress piece? I feel I need to comment on that person's views, and trUSt I will before long, but feel free to beat me to it. I'd rather be on the trUSt bus than the abUSe about you?

In other critical news, a 28 year old hiker fell and died from injuries at Race Brook Mountain from a treacherous path. His 22 year old brother and he had been hiking for 3 weeks, so it's a loss that mirrors with different natural elements the tragic accident out in nature that claimed the life of our wonderful teen son Kaelan Paton in June or 2009. Meanwhile another realm of tragedy befell Manchester NH when a  biological father shot his son at a YMCA visitation center.

What  I  cover next regarding Rita Feurst's response to a Dad killing his son is HORRIBLE (if not criminal given the huge amount of influence Fathers Rights groups hold over policy makers, with funding running $500 million and linked to many US-Government programs voting 'fatherhood involvement' whether via prison programs or criminal court or other venues of enticing men into being 'involved'..whereas women needing safe havens with their children (or even alone which could prevent unintended pregnancies and  help single women be more stable before becoming pregnant are NOT well-funded and often programs serving low-income people such as Head Start for kids is being slashed.

These severe cuts could increase factors that lead to more harm and violence against women and children. See the irony of the funding and goals--helping keep abusers in the loop and exposing children to them with custody 'being won by highly abusive dads 80% of the time whle women and kids in highest need keep having programs cut and a harder fight just to survive, stay alive and stay together.

The last two go together as promotes 'keeping kids safe by keeping them in their mother's care' in their SAFE and TOGETHER Model).      Regarding the recent murder-suicide in MANchester NH (to help folks focus on the male violence against women in general, not only in Manchester..and thankfully, NO, It's not all men..but the violence being done is mainly perpetrated by the males of our species...This should get more attention from every citizen and leader. 

 Unfortunately, the National Parents  Organization leader Rita Feurst  actually theorized the lack of joint custody led the man to commit the planned, criminal fatal action that resulted in the death of the 9 year old son, and the man. ( I do not want to let him be called the caring or natural father since that title by definition should not include someone who would kill their offspring..that Title of Honor is Vacated Universally when a person kills their offspring..unless sadly, it is done to 'protect their child from being killed, raped or horribly abused' which unfortunately a few mothers or possibly rarely a father on the planet has actually done, which I don't think we'd find stories on readily).

The idea of 'atttachment and entitlement' really needs to be explored and explained to ALL new parents, family members, teachers, court personnel and the community at large. Every culture has its own 'traditional associations, many religions often, and many practices that NEED to adhere to a common 'human rights' group like WHO (World Health Organization). Women who have options to take a 'morning after pill' or have an early-term abortion need to be aware of that and have a safe way to obtain that is she is truly feeling unable and unwilling to have a pregnancy continue.

Ideally, she would have medical people as well as counselors to discuss her situation and circumstances with. NOT being able to 'afford to have a child' in terms of rearing an infant, young child or older child should not be the main criteria for her decision. Ideally, in addition to 'the adoption option', there could be a way to network and guide both family and friends and community members who may be willing to help care for the child and support the daycare or other costs not covered by Medicaid.

All of that should be clearly reviewed at least on a website. Then once a woman Has a child, she should realize she needs to take good care of the child as well as herself. The father of the child needs to consider his 'rights' as secondary to the mother's in terms of whether she keeps a pregnancy. Once a child is born, the rigths of the father again need to be measured in terms of safety and well-being of the child and ideally the mother as well.

IF the mother is feeling abused, uncertain or disconnected from the father, that likely is more than enough indication the father may be unsafe, according to statistics and authors such as Gavin de Becker. The mother shoudl not have to prove her concerns. A father may need to prove rather that he has been 'safe and appropriate to the mother as well as the child. Abuse of the mother in any way IS a form a child abuse. This issue needs much more attention but is at the crux of costly battles in court and in private homes that never make it to court.

Unfortunately, the longer a mother stays with the father in the child's life, the harder it will be to convince others the father has been intimidating or threatening to the mother.

That is the biggest RED FLAG that he will be inappropriate or sever ties between the mother and her child, another form of abuse akin to KIDNAPPING, and one sadly OFTEN CONDONED OR ENDORSED by the courts and groups that insist on 'shared parenting'. When a woman is willing to share, sometines that will be a chance for the abusive father to harm children's views of the mother or make them feel they need to 'choose Dad to have a Dad, whereas they may know for certain they have their mother's love'.

Talk about confusing, but that kind of message is important to ALL GOOD PARENTS to hear..that IF you really have loved and cared for your child, that love will give them benefits and help them whether the severe storms of 'mixed messages they likely can receive.

Too many 'professionals' are confused and want to 'play fair and live in the present in a way that still endangers children directly and indirectly (by not letting them be with the Protective Mothers equally or Exclusively as is recommended by experts...with the other parent, generally the father having to go to Abuse Intervention Groups and have Supervised Visits.

Likely the  biological father who killed his son in this case did not go to batterer intervention programs or Think he needed it so maybe just 'showed up but did not tune in'. Clearly ALL Children should have some more screenings for safety in their caregiving situations and have advocates to tune in sooner rather than later, when it can REALLY do some GOOD and Save LIVES! We all likely know 'someone living on the brink'.

IF we know of someone in chronic or imminent danger  (and again, we ALL do if we're honest and consider our towns..and if we don't that's likely Part of the Shaming Problem we buy into tacitly because Women are often Braving asking for help..many agencies don't really do all they can or should--they are run by people with limits and biases as well, and who are not up on 'best practices' from the sites I list here, including

I  urgently  welcome ideas for any mom to get out safely from a man who has been abusive whether short-term,  for years...even decades. The stakes are high, and I am trying to think of OPTIONS in a small town, not far from schools, where the kids attend..and yes Child protective services HAS been involved, along with domestic violence advocates (who may not know the whole story) and basically, where and how can a single mom live safely with a few kids for about 5-10 years to see them grown.

People say 'put them in foster care, but we know kids get abused there too..why not help this woman stay safe in her own home with many Volunteers helping her drive her kids to appointments and understand their trauma over time with good counseling...Might she have to resort to temporary foster care..if she can't make it on her own in 2 years, they could be adopted out as happens with many infants.

.All of this is something the Whole Town, School and Police and Courts should weigh in on..but currently, if she raised concerns, likely her husband Would get custody and she'd be blamed for allleging violence..on and on it goes. Keep her in prayer and think healing thoughts for all involved..and let's not be the least bit surprised when other headlines declare a 'ragedy' or accident happened to this woman on the brink..we collectively deny and confuse the issues, endlessly!

The point is a mother who has been truly broken down and given no way to protect her children may still be called Mother, but a biological (or other supposed  parental figure of the child or partner of the mother) who kills a child or mother to intimidate  or  harm a mother psychologially or physically, including fatally,  is not ethically qualified to be called the 'father', caregiver or partner or boyfriend or husband.

EVERY TIME the media or courts describe the perpetrator, even if mentally ill or on drugs when carrying out such threats, CONFUSES the public. The errors made in the discussion on the Fathers and Families website now deemed the National Parents Organization (or Assoc.) are horrific and Dangerous!

They need to immediately reference and Representing the DV survivor..This IGNORANCE cannot continue. Too many lives are lost, including the killer's who 1 times out of 3 turn the gun on themselves. I feel sorry for them, and I pray there is a way to be forgiven by the victims and their families.

Believing in an afterlife,  I imagine 'it's only the beginning' of the hell or lessons they are likely to learn after dying. There are no quick easy solutions, but there ARE SOUL-Utions..These Take a Village, and a lot of rectifying of ways people live, learn and love, work and play, drive, talk, plan and account for their actions. We could all use a tune-up in these areas which at best are poorly defined and even worse not well-received or implemented into key policies. 

Basically live like 'you're on candid camera'...becuase in this day and age, we are essentially there...Okay, sorry for the depressing news, hopefully more people will NOT MARRY Or HAVE KIDS with someone they have known less than a year or ideally 2 or more..the younger, the longer folks should be dating..and even waiting til closer to 20 to ever get 'too serious'..Just some tips..Take care,,


As the deaths of women seeking to get free from abusive men continue to climb for decades with hardly any 'real follow through of the underlying control and abuse dynamics by their 'partners' (likely often NOT by real choice but the lesser of evils or threats).

Often the father of their children, the headlines state the facts without giving Fair WARning to ALL WOMEN, Especially Younger Moms or Pregnant Women that They are at RISK by virtue of their Gender, a LACK of information and faulty LAWS that 'FAIL TO PROTECT until it's TOO LATE" in far too many cases.

The times of separation and divorce even of dating relationships can prove harmful and in some cases devastating or fatal for one or more of the people (and as in the Dad Goes Bad post, often claims the lives of children and other family or friends who are connected to or near the victim).

See the sites above and let US-All TRY to find ways to practice safety and self-care with the people in our lives. Some free tips on the Chicks and Guys posting on the lower number pages.

Don't get too involved physically too quickly (seeing if there's 'magic' may lead to madness and poor judgment..often there IS a MIX of good and bad, likes and dislikes...and it is hard not to 'go with the flow' if one is paired up 'as a couple' in a small social circle--that'd be any rural community and many other school or set social settings.)

There are lists worth googling, today for a few minutes then see some youtube videos on the topics of abuse, divorce, dating violence, etc. We need terms that are more accurate and communities of advocates and educators about safe parenting and supervision of youth--everything from holding a child's hand when crossing the street--or carrying them if that's an option--to the standard to keep children in sight when playing in the yard (ideally a fenced in play area if Ever leaving a child alone for  10 minutes or so, and NOT in a car asleep--where temps can warm quickly or a child can be forgotten..these stories of benign or ignorant neglect have made headlines as well with heartbreaking consequences

Same goes for pets, try to make appropriate plans to not leave them in cars, and in many states there are fines if not laws against doing so (particularly children). See for ideas of Transforming Power which all people could use to help avoid pitfalls of denying problems or coping with 'one or two skill sets' often bordering on abusive if one is a 'be in the leadership or contolling position' whether running Their (His or Her) home, family, job, social circle

. A few new ideas about 'being human, fallible and yet flexible, able to control knee-jerk reactions and to talk things over with someone before doing anything extreme or to process challenges could go a long way toward preventing harm and fatalities. May this family and community find peace as the three young children left behind by the loss of both of their parents plays out for them in coming weeks and months.

Every town could do more activism along theses lines VOLUNTARILY. Men need to learn about these issues and speak out or wear a sign of support Against Male violence. Same goes for Females, to learn and clarify the Boundaries of Any Relationship to prevent abuse, including the parent-child dynamic.

Thanks for doing what you can to help spread the words to put down the swords in our homes and states, countries and world...journey on in peace with a better vision for our youth, women, mothers and yes fathers and men too..all count and need to find balance.

May all those losing their lives to violence, including a CT Mom Kyra Ryng be recognized as the heroines lighting the path to fight for safe passage for all moms and women, and yes men too, to leave a relationship for any reason, safely with their children. See for important info on abusive court practices and let's rethink what we ask anyone to 'commit to legally' in light of not knowing how another person will really 'grow and change' over the years..

Often the first 2-7 years can be full of conflict and is likely a sign that the two need time apart to get Individual guidance (for sobriety, mental health, stress, life plans, etc) with a controlled separation agreement. The property rights to both home and money as well as 'the children' become the reasons most high-conflict divorces 'don't settle reasonably'.

Often one or more parties can have Asperger's ( a Canadian study found) so more people could try to assess their own conditions and have support for being more reasonable and not escalating both conflict and costs to both parties in the legal arena.

More needs to be done to follow through on any custody or conflict management plan as well for families to prevent tragedies. A hugh gain could be made as well in caring for all pregnanct (and prenatal) mothers and help them be healthy, drug and smoke-free and basically coached into their new roles and response-abilities...

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