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Who can ask questions? Discuss ideas?

on Tue, 07/31/2012 - 03:51

 Do you have something you are aching to say, want to ask, or want to wonder about out loud? Have you found 'sounding board' folks?

If it's not too personal, Toastmasters International Clubs are a great place to visit and test the waters of opening your mouth and saying, "Yap!"

That's a friendly reference to the powerful extra sound needed by every Who in Whoville to save guess who?

Yes, that vonderful elephant Horton. Well, consider this a Who-friendly forum. Post a comment as the spirit moves you. It's find to 'agree to disagree' and even to change your mind and agree in part with something posted on the blog. Let's see what happens as a learning community as we venture into unknown but friendly territory of talking out loud, thinking on paper, and well, just dreaming while we can here in Amerique..yes,creative words and phrases are permissible too...Horton and I are all ears...

PS Just saying "Toastmasters" is a great way to start a conversation such as "Have you heard of Toastmasters? It's a place where people learn about speaking and you don't have to say anything as  guest!"  You can continue with, "There's infomation online, and clubs all over the country.  It is a nice way to learn about making meetings more efficient and friendly which may result in better outcomes too!" This is a win-win way to educate US-All and encourage everyone to discover and engage their sense of  self, voice, team and much more. Let me know here if you've tried it and how it went. Comment away and share on FB! Thanks a bundle."You're the best!" (another bit of good self-talk but okay to tell others too as it rings true, or try "You're Beautiful"--which my teen son used to chime to friends along his path, whether in the halls of HoUSAtonic (and good words ARE a good tonic for US-All) or by a whitewater river boating event, or in life in general, even online  Or now from heavenI imagine! ("why'd you think of writing it, Mom, I can here him chuckling...Thanks, Kaelan, You are Beautiful through and through still, 4 years heavenside!)



As Voting Season Comes Round, why not take time to Speak Up for Oneself and even Vote for Oneself by choosing positive leaders and groups to belong to and assist.

WALKS for good causes (CROP Walks raise money to feed people in the US and abroad)  can be a great way to cohnect with a few others or many more, perhaps with a T-shirt listing ideas and people to support (politically and others, such as Kids, Adults and Parents). While that may seem to be rather obvious and very inclusive, that's the point..Who are we addressing or 'speaking out loud' to or about?

Why not brave a comment here, something important or inspiring, a site on women's safety (like and other basics that the laws are supposed to help all know (ideally not after breaking them though)

. Check your state government websites (such as to get ideas about the October Domestic Violence and Abuse Laws being enacted in CT. The states vary but the wisdom and Best Practices can be shared and promoted. The reality of the courts following them along with all other players (including victims, and perpetrators) is not always clear or easy to do. If someone needs to move out immediately due to an arrest, protective or restraining order, do they know where they can afford to go, day or night?

Each state, county and town would be wise to set up shelters to help people abide by the law and mandates from the start and longterm.  Calling to get information for a friend may be a huge help and forming a team of support because the weeks and months can bring new stresses and changes when people reconfigure living arrangements, support and childcare or other practical considerations.

Health issues and job changes can bring similar changes as can accidents or serious news, death of a loved one or even severe weather. Making plans for one's family and friends, neighbors and towns can be done with some webpages and well-rehearsed 'game plans'...Most of which are not in place,but many places are learning to do so.

With all that, it's still important to help everyone vote, feel included and supported for basic needs in good times and when facing difficulties. Let's have a Go TEAM appraoch for US-All!

Listen and learn from great talks on the web. I forget to do this, but hope to make time as I do for the meetings with real people at Toastmasters. It's free to watch online, but the small fee of about 7 bucks a month (paid at 6 months a time) for TMers is worth every dime! Go for free to a meeting soon, and if you join before mid Nov you can go to the conference in Albany for another fee in the 50 dollah range. Take ten minutes to talk and to listen to someone else. Maybe they can reflect back to you what you said and how effectively you conveyed your message. Also, watch your 'ums and ers' to fill time, simply pause, then as you think about what you need to say (and that happens more readily with practice) you may go right along more easily.


Emotions and jitters can creep up, but just consider that 'inner applause' that you are alive, breathing (and remember to take a breath now and then) and saying something you want to relate, even if it's a tough topic or you may feel a wee bit nervous, focus on the US-All need for your talent and voice to come through. All the best!

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